Recent content by sameerpaisari

  1. S

    Mathematical Solar Model: Core, Radiative Zone, and Convective Zone

    hey guys..i need any input i can get on "Solar Tsunami"..ty..:)
  2. S

    Understanding Newton's Third Law: The Impact of Forces on Objects in Motion

    when a ball is thrown up, it goes up due to the force of us throwing it..but it doesn't stay up in the air..does it..? comes down as well..due to the gravity's force..
  3. S

    Exploring the 5th State of Matter: Supercool or Myth?

    do u gas is exposed to -279 deg directly changes into liquid or a superfluid as u may call it..??
  4. S

    What is the 5th State of Matter? Understanding the Fifth State of Matter

    is there anything called the supercool state of matter or something..something that happens when water is 0 deg celcius in kelvin temp..?
  5. S

    Exploring the 5th State of Matter: Supercool or Myth?

    is there a state of matter called the supercool state or something..if yes,can someone please elaborate?..if no,can someone please reply about the states of matter..?