Recent content by saltrock

  1. S

    Electric Potential,I ly please

    This is what's written in my book.' THE ELECTRIC POTENTIAL v AT ANY POINT IN AN ELECTRIC FIELD IS THE POTENTIAL ENERGY THAT EACH COULUMB OF POSITIVE CHARGE WOULD HAVE IF PLACED AT THAT POINT IN THE FIELD.I am an A level student,i think i just need to know a general equation rather than some...
  2. S

    Electric Potential,I ly please

    I thought the formula for electric potential was V=kq/r where k=9.0 times 10 to the power 9
  3. S

    Electric Potential and Electric Field Strength

    OMG I think we will be sitting for the same exam>I am also totally confused with the past paper question related to electric potential.If i get my head round it i'll let you know
  4. S

    Electric Potential,I ly please

    Electric Potential,I urgently need help please I am really confused with the term 'electric potential'.I know its the amount of potential energy that a coulum positive charge would have if placed in an electric field but this isn't enough to make me clear.I am also looking for its formula.My...
  5. S

    Disinfectant and bacteria experiment VERY

    Disinfectant and bacteria experiment! VERY URGENT Hi.I have done an experiment recently about the effect of disinfectant on the rate of bacterial growth.I used four disinfectants.Say A,B,C and D.A came out to be the best disinfectant followed by B C and D.I want to do the analysis now but i am...
  6. S

    Understanding Simple Harmonic Motion: Spring and Hook's Law

    A mass is attached on a spring .When it is stretched and is let free to move then it that this motion is simple harmomic>>>spring obeys Hook's law. My workings: As the mass pulls the spring down mg>-kx but when it as it goes further more down -kx is greater than mg and the...
  7. S

    Mass on a spring and GravityPain in the neck

    T=2piesq.root of m over k Regrranging this will give me k=2pieM/t^2 g=-kx/m Putting the value of K in the above equation will give me g=-4Pie^2x/T^2 I can measure T and i got rid of K and m(i didnt know what the mass was as i wasnt allowed to use any equipment to measure mass) :)...
  8. S

    Mass on a spring and GravityPain in the neck

    so,g=-ky/m but i don't know the values for k and m and i am only allowed to use a stopwatch,millimetre rule and apparatus for supporting the spring.
  9. S

    Why does the amplitude of a loudspeaker cone change with frequency?

    AA loud speaker cone is connected to a AC signal genetator.When the frequency of the signal genetor is alterned the amplitude of the cone changes.why? My working: As the frequency increases the amplitude decreases because there is less change in the magnetic flux and vice versia...I am a bit...
  10. S

    Mass on a spring and GravityPain in the neck

    I sort of like have understood it..can you please give me a weblink that clearly explains this process please.Any help would highly be appriciated
  11. S

    Isomers Of Nitrogen Difluoride

    Thanks a lot for your help!
  12. S

    Isomers Of Nitrogen Difluoride

    Isomers Of DiNitrogen Difluoride.. Why Nitrigen Difluorife(N2F2) Shows Geometric Isomerism?? Can Anybody Help Me Please? Thanks!
  13. S

    Simple harmonic motion mass on a spring

    A mass is on a spring is pulled down and released.Show thatit performs simple harmonic motion. as the mass is pulled down and released restoring force pulls it upwards but as it reaches on the top extreme the gravity pulls it down n continuous to oscillate.but how does it prove that motion is...
  14. S

    Mass on a spring and GravityPain in the neck

    that means F=Kx=g.So,i have got to find Kx and that will give me the gravity right??Extension at equilibrium position is zero so K times o gives me 0 i am not gettin any value fo gravity>>>..can you make me more clear please..I know i am a bit thick..;)
  15. S

    Mass on a spring and GravityPain in the neck

    How can the gravity of Earth be determined using mass ona spring? Myworking:T=2pie squarerook of m/k There no g in the question above.I have spend ages trying to figure out the link between the gravity and the mass on spring. If you can give me some hint then i'l be able to work it out. Any...