Recent content by salistoun

  1. S

    Invertiable for all values of theta

    Hi all, How do you go about solving this question as it says: Show that the matrix: | costheta sintheta 0 | B= | -sintheta costheta 0 | | 0 0 1 | is invertible for all values of theta [Hint. Show that det(B) is not...
  2. S

    Determining wheter point lie on line

    Thanks Don i do get what u saying
  3. S

    Determining wheter point lie on line

    Hi Don, If I'm correct, the parametric equation for the following points is: x = -2t + 5, y = -9t - 6 and z = -2t + 10 So no values are matching this parametric x = 2 + t; y = 3 - 3t, z = 4 + 2t. So therefore it does not lie on the line right?
  4. S

    Determining wheter point lie on line

    Hi all, How do I go about solving the following question? Determine whether the points (5 , -6 , 10) and (3, 3 , 8) are on the line x = 2 + t; y = 3 - 3t, z = 4 + 2t Stephen
  5. S

    Cube Roots of 1 in Polar Form: Stephen's Question

    Hi all, There is a question that asks? Determine the cube roots of 1 in polar form? Does that mean I can use De Moirve Formula? Stephen
  6. S

    How Do You Find the Equation of a Plane Given a Point and a Perpendicular Line?

    Hi all, How do you go about solving the following Question? Find an equation of the plane containing the point (1 , 1 , -1) and perpendicular to the line through the points (2 , 0 , 1) and (1 , -1 , 0). Stephen
  7. S

    Nonhomogeneous system of linear equations

    Hi all, How do u go about doing this question? x - 2y +z =4 y- z =3 (a^2 - a - 2)z = a+1 Determine values of a for which the system has no solution, one solution and many solutions Stephen
  8. S

    Find if Parametric equations are perpendicular

    Hi all, How do you find out if this Parametric equation x = -2t + 3 ; y = -t - 1 ; z = -3t + 2 Is perpendicular to this parametric equation x = -2 + 6t ; y = 3 - 6t ; z = -3 - 2t Thanks Stephen
  9. S

    Finding out a equation of a plane that is parallel to a plane

    Hi all, What is the formula of an equation of a plane that is parallel to the plane. For example the plane is x - 3y -2z -4 = 0 going through a point(1 , 1, 1). Thanks, Stephen
  10. S

    Does the following point lie on plane?

    Hi all, I got this question from a past exam paper does the point (8 , 4 , -5) lie on the plane 7x - 3y + 4z = 8? Do you work it out as follows because can't find this example in my Linear Algeria book? 7(8) - 3(4) + 4(-5) = 8 56 - 12 - 20 = 8 24 is not equal to 8 Therefore the...