Recent content by salil87

  1. S

    LTSpice Clock signal distortion

    Hi I made a counter using Dflop in Ltspice. But when I am using the count bits as signal to other circuits the clock signal is getting distorted. Why is this happening? How can I overcome this problem? Thanks Salil
  2. S

    OTA Integrators: Choosing the Right One for You

    I am integrating the Analog signal for a dual slope ADC. But since the input is a large signal won't the gm vary with the input level? Thanks Salil
  3. S

    OTA Integrators: Choosing the Right One for You

    Hi What kinds of OTA integrators are available and how should i decide which to use? Thanks Salil
  4. S

    Using OTA as an Integrator for Dual Slope ADC: Advice & Links

    Hi I just want to get some idea how to use an OTA as an integrator (for dual slope ADC). Can some one help me out or give me some links? Thanks Salil
  5. S

    Why Is Saturation Mode Preferred for Biasing MOSFETs?

    Hi Why do we always bias a mosfet in Saturation mode? Is it becaus gm is more in saturation or is it because gm is more linear in saturation? Thanks Salil
  6. S

    Why to create Higgs Boson in LHC ?

    Hi If the Higgs field is present everywhere then so should be the Higgs Boson right? Then why is a particle accelerator required. Cant it be just detected from around us? Salil
  7. S

    Can Antimatter react with Higgs?

    Since Particles react with the Higgs Field to gain mass, can't the antiparticles react with it too to gain mass. Thanks Salil
  8. S

    LPF Magnitude Slope: Why is it 20dB/Decade?

    Thanks a lot DragonPetter for your wonderful explanation. I really couldn't stop reading. Actually I tried a lot using derivatives and stuff. Must have messed it. Thanks again. Salil
  9. S

    LPF Magnitude Slope: Why is it 20dB/Decade?

    Hi I have read that LPF (or HPF) have magnitudes which fall at the rate of 20dB/decade from the corner frequency onwards. Why is it assumed this way although the slope is changing with frequency? Thanks Salil
  10. S

    Lenz's Law and Law of Conservation of Energy

    Hi How does Lenz's law obey the Law of Energy Conservation? I know it has to but I really don't get it. Thanks Salil
  11. S

    Significance of Negative Frequency

    Thanks rbj and DragonPetter Salil
  12. S

    Understanding the Differences between Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms

    Hi Do Fourier Transforms give us actual amplitude/phase of the particular frequency (ejωt) just like Fourier series? Thanks Salil
  13. S

    Significance of Negative Frequency

    Hi Just wanted to know if negative frequency has any significance? Thanks Salil
  14. S

    What is the value of this term and why?

    What is ej∞?
  15. S

    Difficulty - Signals and Systems

    Sorry for the short Description. Guess it happens when I'm in tension. :-) But Thanks a lot Fleem ... your explanation helped a lot. Your Swing example rocks. Sometimes I think of such simple things in such complicated ways. Thanks a lot again. :-) Thanks Salil