Recent content by sadasiva

  1. S

    Is a criticality event possible in the Japan nuclear crisis?

    Is there a scenario where the power comes back on and some "normal" operations can resume and get this under control or is it going to be men with fire hoses until the fuel is spent (or something).
  2. S

    Is a criticality event possible in the Japan nuclear crisis?

    I keep hearing how it is not as serious as Chernobyl and many other conclusions.. but I see a siituation that keeps getting worse.. 4 reactors in danger of melting down, exploding fission materials. What is it going to take to get it under control? With most workers sent home due to...
  3. S

    Japan Radioactivity Spreading to West Coast of US

    There is a lot of speculation about this. Is that really possible? It is being proposed that after meltdown and release the nuclear material will enter the Jet Stream and be in west Coast US in a few days. Personally I find it hard to swallow. I mean we exploded two nuclear devices over...