Recent content by Saanchi

  1. S

    Other Writing a Paper on the Multiverse: Tips for Quality Language & Content

    I'm currently writing a paper on the Multiverse. I do have a theory of my own and have made the outline and started working on it. However, the language seems to unscientific, in the sense, its not very objective and crisp. How do i improve the quality of language and content of the paper. Any...
  2. S

    LIGO discovery on gravitational waves.

    Could someone please describe the recent LIGO project, gravitational waves and their detection in simple terms. PLEASE.
  3. S

    Resultant Moment of Force Around Point O: 20 Nm Clockwise

    Homework Statement Calculate resultant moment of forces about pt O and state its direction.Homework Equations Put the picture. Check it outThe Attempt at a Solution What I did was : About A : 60Nm B: 40 Nm C : 120Nm. I'm not sure to add or subtract for resultant. What I did:: Add. A-B as they...
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    Career in astrophysics or math

    Hello, I need some serious advice. Is a career in astrophysics a promising one? Is there a future for astrophysicists? Is there a demand for astrophysicists and researchers in this field? Is it advisable to take up this career? Any astrophysicist here? If yes, what would be the career path...
  5. S

    Career in astrophysics or math

    Thanks so much much both for your advice :)
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    Career in astrophysics or math

    By get into iit I meant iit training .. Yes I am thinking about future studies in the us. I still have to give my boards. I'm actually more inclined towards th science thing interest wise as compared to engineering. By money making I didn't mean loads I meant sufficient for a good living. And...
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    Career in astrophysics or math

    Hi, so I am currently in tenth grade, from India preparing for my boards. I am worried about my future career as I have no clear idea and I need guidance. I get good grades in maths and I like physics and sciences. I have always been fascinated my astrophysics and have read The theory of...
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    Oxygen Supply for Single-Celled Organisms: Diffusion vs. Osmosis Explained

    You are right Diffusion is in all states of substances Osmosis is usually confined to solutions ;)
  9. S

    Calculating the current supplied battery, working out P.D....

    Use this logic When there is a circuit of parallel: V is same across all resistance . So ultimately current will vary with resistance. Total current = current across resistor 1 + current across resistor 2
  10. S

    Car & Scooter: Momentum & Force - Who Needs More?

    Part 1) car 2) scooter Am I right
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    Car & Scooter: Momentum & Force - Who Needs More?

    yes I know that momentum is product of mass and velocity But change in momentum is dependant on force and time duration.. So could u please tell me the answers with reasons..
  12. S

    Car & Scooter: Momentum & Force - Who Needs More?

    a car of mass 600 kg travels with a speed of 10m/s and a scooter of mass 80kg with 50m/s Which will require more force to stop (1) in same time 2) in same distance Give reasons Ans : ((2) car because being lighter it will acquire more momentum as momentum depends on product of force and...