Recent content by S1nG

  1. S

    Light in a perfect reflective box

    Hi guys i thought I've seen a thread on this before but i was wondering, supposingly you have a black box which is totally airtight and made in such a way nothing, not even an atom is capable of escaping from the box. This box is also 100% reflective on all sides and in the middle of the box...
  2. S

    Can a super strong rope cut through the Earth's surface?

    Hi guys i have some issues regarding gravity and here's how it goes. Assuming 2 man having supernatural powers with limitless strength and they have a rope which is also super strong and will never tear apart. Also take into consideration that the rope, being miles apart, still remains taut...
  3. S

    Gravity around the Earth (or other large spherical object)

    Ok i understand what you mean. Does this involve the flatness problem of the universe? Where a body (Eg, a huge planet ) tends to curve as the observer nears it. We have to take into consideration that the rope doesn't bend and that the 2 person holding the rope makes sure that its taut. Lets...
  4. S

    How Does the Existence of Sterile Neutrinos Impact Big Bang Nucleosynthesis?

    Because of the existence of sterile neutrino, how and why it gives effect on the big bang nucleosynthesis more than active-active neutrino oscillation. Its a question on behalf of my friend. thanks for any help
  5. S

    How does the movement of stars compare to the movement of planets

    No. stars doesn't rotate just like planets do. normally planets revolve around stars instead.
  6. S

    Is the Universe Missing a Chunk of Matter?

    Does the void means a part of the space where there's no matter, planets or stars? The source for this observation seems rather vague.
  7. S

    Wave particle duality again(photons)

    I have this proposal. I was wondering, in theory wise, whether its possible to conclude that an electron particle superpositions itself in an area before passing through a double slit. But only appearing as single when it finally hits the screen/target. I'm still confused with the experiment...
  8. S

    I've got an idea that i would like some help developing

    Well Marcus was right. at the point of the bigbang, the whole situation is too hot for atoms to form. Probably just free flowing energy and quarks and other sub elementary particles.
  9. S

    Do I Need to Take Calculus to Pursue a Career in Astrophysics?

    Well to be honest, I'm someone who also aspire to be a physicist in future though I'm not stong with my Mathematics. At most i could only help around with a few descriptions and some theories in this forums. Otherwise, i would leave it to the mentors and advisors' in here. :-p As what...
  10. S

    Does the Universe have a Boundary ?

    I've seen a similar question somewhere before. Just that i'll have to dig it up. Well as what Marcus said space itself has no boundaries, even before the bigbang, space had already existed. Just that its only after the big bang that time and matter started to come in place. In fact, when you...
  11. S

    Escaping Earth: Is 25,000 mph the Limit?

    you can say so. as the mass of the gravitational body of an object (blackhole) approaches infinity, and/or an objects proximity to the body approaches zero the escape velocity approaches c, the speed of light. however, for black hole theory to be valid the escape velocity must exceed the speed...
  12. S

    Escaping Earth: Is 25,000 mph the Limit?

    hi marcus. since fluxion mentioned about escape velocity, does that mean the reason for light unable to escape the black hole is because the black hole's escape velocity is that of the speed of light? thus the EV increases as the sun turns from a white dwarf to a neutron star and lastly a black...
  13. S

    Gravitons and extra dimensions

    if I'm not wrong gravitons are still considered a theory and based on its size smaller than the Planck length, its no doubt that modern technology could detect them. :rolleyes:
  14. S

    Do lenses bend light in a special way?

    for people with normal vision, light rays enter the cornea in the front of the eye and are focused into a single point on the retina in the back of the eye. Once it hits the retina, the light is converted into signals, which go to the brain to be processed into images. sometimes the cornea...
  15. S

    Unveiling the Mystery of Light: How Does it Move?

    oh by the way, is it true that a more massive object will exert a greater gravitational pull?