Recent content by s1cko

  1. S

    Can someone explain this time dilation problem to me?

    I'm going to use the time traveling twins example to try and explain the crossroads I'm at with special relativity. The one twin is back on Earth while the other twin is traveling to a star 10 light years away at .8c. We calculated how long it would take on the earth-star frame of reference, it...
  2. S

    After m.s in computer vision, should i go for industry or phd

    Thats exactly where I want to go to school! I have questions for you if you don't mind. Sorry I just quoted part of it and didn't offer any real advice.
  3. S

    There's a nagging feeling of bad.

    Well to be honest, what this sounds like to me is a little bit of cold feet and little bit of bad outlook on things. I'm positive that if you work hard and study you can succeed. I know I'm probably not the one that should be giving you this advice but this is what it seems like to me. Remember...
  4. S

    Physics Messed up in high school and want to be an astrophysicist

    Wow, thanks for sharing that. It's stories like these that make me more confident about being able to accomplish whatever. I took up to college algebra in high school so my first math class at CC should be calculus 1(if everything transfers like it should). I also have a lot of science classes...
  5. S

    Physics Messed up in high school and want to be an astrophysicist

    Wow, this is amazing man. Thanks. I just finished my financial aid, let's hope I have to pay as little as possible with loans.
  6. S

    Physics Messed up in high school and want to be an astrophysicist

    Thanks man. I won't have to give up very many pleasures, this is what I love, this is what I want to do. This is my pleasure.
  7. S

    Physics Messed up in high school and want to be an astrophysicist

    Yeah, I'm willing to work hard for this though. Doing financial aid for community college now. Here's to hoping I can start in the spring.
  8. S

    Physics Messed up in high school and want to be an astrophysicist

    Yeah, I understand what you guys are talking about now. I should get into the school before I get all picky about what major I choose. I think the community college route would be the best option for me but I'm not sure.
  9. S

    Physics Messed up in high school and want to be an astrophysicist

    Thanks man, this is what I needed to hear. It just seemed to far fetched to me to go to community college and transfer out for something like physics.
  10. S

    Physics Messed up in high school and want to be an astrophysicist

    The money isn't an issue really. Worse comes to worse I'll get loans and whatnot. I'm worried about just getting in. Can you take the SAT after high school? I never heard of that before.
  11. S

    Physics Messed up in high school and want to be an astrophysicist

    Well in high school i took more advanced classes and passed them I just didnt get A's because I didnt do my homework. I took a lab physics class, precalculus and college algebra, I passed all of those. My main worry is that I think the chances of me being able to get into a "real" university for...
  12. S

    Physics Messed up in high school and want to be an astrophysicist

    Alright, first of all I'm going to say that astronomy and physics are my biggest passion and have been since I was very young. I'm going to try and keep this small and not get too personal here, I apologize ahead of time though if I sound like I'm complaining or something. So I'm fresh out of...
  13. S

    Explaining the Constant Speed of Light in Special Relativity: A Beginner's Guide

    I thought I was explaining it right. Thank you guys for all of your help. He's having trouble because he's still assuming something has a "real" motion. He thinks he is "really" moving at speed .8c. Ill keep trying to explain more of the theory and make him understand.
  14. S

    Explaining the Constant Speed of Light in Special Relativity: A Beginner's Guide

    Thanks for that link, its very useful. Though his problem lies in the concept. The problem is that it is hard conceptually to come to terms with the fact that if you and light both start at the same time and you are moving at half the speed of light that light is still moving at point c. I truly...
  15. S

    Explaining the Constant Speed of Light in Special Relativity: A Beginner's Guide

    I apologize if this has been covered but I did a quick search and didn't see anything. Alright, my question concerns the speed of light and why it's a constant. I was trying to explain special relativity to my friend and after I told him that the speed of light is always c no matter what...