Recent content by Ryuk1990

  1. R

    DC brushless motor vs. AC motor

    I noticed that common technology such as brushless DC motors use AC to drive them. What exactly makes DC brushless motors different from AC motors if they both ultimately take in AC? Why even refer to DC brushless motors as DC motors if they're not even driven by DC? I understand the source is a...
  2. R

    Does a physics background combine better with ME or EE industry jobs?

    Wouldn't a background in physics be good for nanoelectronics engineering? Doesn't that field require knowledge in quantum physics/statistical mechanics?
  3. R

    Does a physics background combine better with ME or EE industry jobs?

    As the title asks, does a physics background combine better with EE or ME for industry jobs in America? Which engineering field would have more jobs for someone like that? I'm talking in the context of someone double majoring in physics and ME/EE or doing an engineering physics degree.
  4. R

    Difference Engineering Physics, Applied Physics, traditional engineer

    Well, at my school an engineering physics major would take all the courses that a physics major is required to take PLUS most of the courses that an ME or EE major has to take. Engineering physics is a perfect degree for those planning on going to grad school but still haven't decided whether...
  5. R

    Programs Questions about Engineering Physics Degree

    To be honest, I'm actually a little more interested in physics than any engineering field. However, I do have a lot of interest in mechanical and electrical engineering too. So I figured an eng. phys. degree would be perfect to satisfy my interests. I'm just trying to figure out whether physics...
  6. R

    Programs Questions about Engineering Physics Degree

    I would prefer to work in northeastern USA. As for what industry, I would like to be involved in anything with internal combustion engines or aerospace if I do a mechanical concentration and anything to do with power (motors, generators, transformers, power electronics, and power systems) if I...
  7. R

    Programs Questions about Engineering Physics Degree

    With an engineering physics degree, which concentration would bring more job opportunities? Mechanical or electrical engineering? In terms of electrical engineering, I know an EP degree is good for going into nanoelectronics/photonics. Any other areas? Anything in power engineering...
  8. R

    Instant Torque (Electric Cars vs. Gas/Diesel Cars)

    Yeah, but batteries are the culprit for why electric cars are heavy and thus aren't quite as fast as the high performance gas cars of today, right? I always thought that electric motors can give more power than a typical IC engine for the same mass. Oh and the Model S has 600 N*m of torque...
  9. R

    Instant Torque (Electric Cars vs. Gas/Diesel Cars)

    I just wanted to add that the Tesla Model S Performance goes 0-60 in 4.2 seconds. Is the heaviness of lithium ion batteries what's slowing down electric cars? I mean, electric motors are superior to IC engines, right?
  10. R

    Instant Torque (Electric Cars vs. Gas/Diesel Cars)

    It was more about having that fast smooth acceleration that the Tesla Model S offers with an ICE car.
  11. R

    Instant Torque (Electric Cars vs. Gas/Diesel Cars)

    I'm not familiar with stick shift cars at all (or car mechanics in general) so bare with me as I have no idea what I'm talking about. But can't you rev up the engine to its max torque almost instantly using a clutch without moving the car and THEN hit the pedal to get that same feeling of...
  12. R

    Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Majors?

    ^I'm not so sure about that. Computer Science jobs are a lot more likely to get outsourced than EE jobs. With EE jobs, a lot of times you have to be there physically. For instance, an electric motor designer will often times be needed there to work with the technicians. Most...
  13. R

    Instant Torque (Electric Cars vs. Gas/Diesel Cars)

    So I hear a lot about how electric cars are great because electric motors get instant max torque at 0 RPM. However, can't the same be done with an internal combustion engine if you have a clutch?
  14. R

    Analysis and Design of Mechanisms

    Hello all, I'm an electrical engineering student searching for some advice regarding a mechanical engineering class. I have to take at least one upper level engineering class that's not electrical for my degree and I would prefer to take an ME class to fulfill that requirement. While browsing my...
  15. R

    Question about acceleration regarding Diesel vs. Gas

    I'm a little confused. Isn't torque the reason why RPM speeds up? The higher the torque, the faster the RPM goes up?