Recent content by RyMi

  1. R

    MATLAB What Does A([i j], = J*A([i j], ; Mean in MatLab?

    What Does A([i j],:) = J*A([i j],:); Mean in MatLab? Title pretty much describes it all. I have no familiarity with MatLab and I'm translating an algorithm into Java. A and J are matrices and i and j are integers. I already have a Matrix class in Java that can handle most matrix operations, I...
  2. R

    Comp Sci Learn LU Decomposition in Java: No Linear Algebra Libraries Required

    Oh I'm dumb. I meant to say linear algebra libraries/packages. Sorry.
  3. R

    Comp Sci Learn LU Decomposition in Java: No Linear Algebra Libraries Required

    Well it's actually for my calc 3 class and I thought someone over here might have more knowledge on the subject.
  4. R

    Comp Sci Learn LU Decomposition in Java: No Linear Algebra Libraries Required

    I need to write a program utilizing LU decomposition of a matrix in Java without using any linear algebra libraries so I was wondering if anyone can give me some pseudo-code or a link or something. I know you're supposed to post your attempt, but I literally have no idea what I'm doing. This is...
  5. R

    Comp Sci Computer Science - LSD Radix Sort in Java

    Title kind of explains what I'm trying to do here. I know exactly how radix sort is SUPPOSED to work but I just don't have a clue how to go about coding it. Basically what I am asking for is some java based pseudo-code just to get me in the right direction. I'm specifically sorting an...