Recent content by ryanuser

  1. ryanuser

    Can a simple metal detector be modified to detect pipes at a higher voltage?

    I mean I want to plug it into a 120Vrms with much bigger loops, not necessarily making it more sensitive but making so it can detect at greater depth since pipes are few feet under ground.
  2. ryanuser

    Can a simple metal detector be modified to detect pipes at a higher voltage?

    Hello, I am a civil engineering student undertaking a project to investigate the effect of pipes and pipelines beneath the ground on the urban city environment above. In order to proceed I am designating a simple metal detector. Due to low depth capability of all commercial metal detectors mine...
  3. ryanuser

    Fluids Lab Report Homework: Venturi & Orifice Coefficients

    Homework Statement I have to write a report based on an experiment I conducted with the class in the school lab. The experiment was about orifice plate meter and venturi meter (both to measure rate of flow of fluids; this is an introductory fluids mechanics module I am studying). The...
  4. ryanuser

    Simple harmonic motion problem

    Homework Statement A body performaning simple harmonic motion has a displacement x given by the equation x= 30 sin 50t, where t is the time in seconds. what is the frequency of the oscillation? Answers are: A. 0.020Hz B. 0.13Hz C. 8.0Hz D. 30Hz E. 50Hz (correct...
  5. ryanuser

    Traveling microscope vs vernier calliper

    Hi, there is a question I am not sure about. We are trying to measure the width(thickness) of water as it is streaming from the tap and draining into the sink, my question is why use of vernier calliper is inappropriate and traveling microscope is suitable for this measurement? Thanks
  6. ryanuser

    B Exploring the Benefits of Plutonium 210 vs Carbon 14

    Carbon 14 with half life of 5730 years has been used for many years to determine the age of objects. Recently plutonium 210 with half life of 21 years has been used as an alternative. Why plutonium 210 is more suitable compare to carbon 14?
  7. ryanuser

    Cos(-pi/4) & Sec(pi/4): What's the Difference?

    Why 1 divided by cos(pi/4)=cos(-pi/4)? Is it wrong to say 1/cos(pi/4)=sec(pi/4)? Thanks
  8. ryanuser

    Formation of Zinc Oxide: Can Metal Strip be Oxidized?

    Hi I am aware that Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is in the form of white powder. Can I leave a strip of Zinc in a room (at presence of Oxygen) so that it becomes oxidised therefore the same thing is resulted but in form of a metal strip instead of powder? Would the resulted strip become as oxidised as the...
  9. ryanuser

    What is a Schottky barrier or contact?

    I looked at many websites including wikipedia and videos on youtube but I found them all very complicated and many contained diagrams that did not make sense to me. What is a Schottky barrier or contact in simplest form so that a 17 year old high school physics student can understand? Thanks
  10. ryanuser

    Efficiency of piezoelectric materials

    I was told that "piezoelectric materials can become more efficient if they were made to reduce their elasticity (the ones such as PVDF films that are flexiable).This is because the external energy is used to force the film back to its original shape just like when a spring is squashed; so most...
  11. ryanuser

    How to store electrical energy?

    Hello I made a little wind turbine so when it is directed at wind it turns and generates electricity as I can see the outcoming voltage on voltmeter. My question is how can I store its energy? Can I use a rechargable battery and let it run out, then stick copper wires at each sides of it coming...
  12. ryanuser

    Piezo materials -- piezo cable under saddle pickup for accoustic guitars

    Best answer I ever received on PF. Short and clear. Thanks
  13. ryanuser

    Piezo crystals and current generation

    hey can a piezo crystal generate current when it is hit as well as when it is exposed to sound?