Recent content by ryandaniels

  1. R

    Calculating Phase Difference in Two-Mass Spring System | Homework Help

    The 2 questions previously stated: A spring has a fixed support extends by 40mm when a mass of 0.25 kg is suspended from it work out spring constant - answer - 61.3 Then an additional 0.44k is then placed on the spring and the system is set into vertical oscillation, show that the frequency is...
  2. R

    Calculating Phase Difference in Two-Mass Spring System | Homework Help

    total mass = 0.69kg and it asks if the supporting rod was frequency 0.2Hz what would the phase be?
  3. R

    Calculating Phase Difference in Two-Mass Spring System | Homework Help

    Homework Statement There is a spring with 2 masses with a combined mass of 0.69kg. The vertical oscillation has a frequency of 1.5Hz. The amplitude of the oscillation is 30mm. Now this spring is attached to a horizontal support rod that can be made to oscillate vertically. how do i work out...