Recent content by Ryan Bruch

  1. R

    Potential energy and conservation of energy

    I was asking about the fact that a rubber gains energy when stretched and an asteroid gains energy when accelerated by Earth's gravity. I know the source of energy of the former but not the latter.
  2. R

    Potential energy and conservation of energy

    I can trace the energy preserved in a stretched elastic rubber to those from my arm muscle, can I do the same with an asteroid accelerating towards Earth?
  3. R

    Potential energy and conservation of energy

    I heard it from Wikipedia articles "Gravitational energy" and "Negative energy." Both articles cite Alan Guth's The Inflationary Universe.
  4. R

    Potential energy and conservation of energy

    When a particle (or any objects) accelerates when acted upon by fundamental forces, what is happening to the amount of energy in that particle? A large example would be an asteroid in space caught by Earth's gravity and accelerates toward Earth as a result. The fundamental forces here can be...
  5. R

    In space, an accelerating platform hit my feet from under

    Would the difference in how it behaves be apparent (can be seen with the naked eyes)?
  6. R

    In space, an accelerating platform hit my feet from under

    Okay, I understand now. The condition would be like when I am on Earth, but what about liquid water? Assuming that the platform is covered with a dorm, the temperature is optimal, and the dorm is filled with enough gas so that the pressure is enough for water to become liquid, how would it behave?
  7. R

    In space, an accelerating platform hit my feet from under

    So if the train in my example is accelerating, the ball would not land right back in my hand? please use "correct" or "incorrect."
  8. R

    In space, an accelerating platform hit my feet from under

    Wouldn't I be remaining in motion per Newton's first law, like how I throw Wait, I am in space. Isn't my situation the same as this: "If I throw a ball upward while on the roof of a moving train, the ball would land right back in my hand instead of landing farther back"?
  9. R

    In space, an accelerating platform hit my feet from under

    Wait, weren't I be accelerating at the same rate as the platform does after the accelerating platform hits my feet like an elevator?
  10. R

    In space, an accelerating platform hit my feet from under

    Suppose I am stationary in space (no velocity). My body is straight. There is a stationary ball right beside me (also no velocity). Then an accelerating platform hit my feet and the ball from under. Now the ball and I are in contact with the platform constantly and accelerate at the same rate as...
  11. R

    Nuclear fission in an atomic bomb

    I meant "Little Boy."Here is another one, is this correct or not?: "Now, as for the claim that each fission results in on average 2.5 neutrons being released, this is true, but those diagrams illustrating a nuclear chain reaction are very misleading. They have the nuclei the size of marbles...
  12. R

    Nuclear fission in an atomic bomb

    Sorry about my last post. I just want to know if the person, who said the following, is correct or not? "So a 52 kg sphere of uranium-235 is a critical mass like 61 kg of rings of uranium-235? What? The temperature caused by exponential chain reaction will simply melt the uranium-235 (U-235)...
  13. R

    Nuclear fission in an atomic bomb

    A person said: "However uranium-235 (U235) makes up only 0.72% of normal uranium metal and has to be separated from the remainder (mostlyuranium-238) in special factories which makes uranium-235 (U-235) a little more expensive. An uranium-235 (U-235) atomic has three neutrons less than an...
  14. R

    Tree Trunk Illusion: Does it Disappear Over the Horizon?

    A person claimed that it does and that he had observed it before, on Earth though. These are his illustrations:
  15. R

    Tree Trunk Illusion: Does it Disappear Over the Horizon?

    Supposed there is a tree on a perfectly flat plane. If an observer in front of that tree moves further and further away from the tree, the tree would look smaller and smaller. When the observer moves further and further away, would the lower part of the tree's trunk seem to disappear as if...