Recent content by rxh140630

  1. rxh140630

    Cannot understand what this proposition is saying

    never mind I guess this thread might as well be deleted now. Draw a vertical line, there is going to be a left side and a right side. The figure that comes with the book confused me into questioning such a simple thing
  2. rxh140630

    Cannot understand what this proposition is saying

    can someone please explain to me how a straight line has a side? this is so frustrating
  3. rxh140630

    Exploring the Illusion of Randomness: The Truth Behind Algorithms and Chaos

    This is just so opposite to my intuition that I can't wrap my mind around it. I will preface this with saying I do not even know what quantum mechanics is. I know mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with motion, I guess quantum implies the smallest building blocks? So the study of...
  4. rxh140630

    Exploring the Illusion of Randomness: The Truth Behind Algorithms and Chaos

    I've been learning a lot about algorithms in my AI class, senior year of my computer science degree. Some of the algorithms we talk about involve randomness. Does true randomness even exist in reality? Wouldn't everything random, have an explanation by some physical process? Is chaos random...
  5. rxh140630

    Optimization problem - right circular cylinder inscribed in cone

    Sorry guys, just bumping this because I have the answer now. I'm disappointed that I didn't see the pattern of similar triangles. I know I shouldn't blame my elementary through high school education but I feel like the Texas education system failed me here. I need to go back to the basic's a...
  6. rxh140630

    Optimization problem - right circular cylinder inscribed in cone

    Thank you so much everyone, I will continue to tackle this problem and report my findings .
  7. rxh140630

    Optimization problem - right circular cylinder inscribed in cone

    I'm still actually working on this problem. So far, I have that, for the cylinder, r = h gives you the maximum volume of the cylinder. How did I get this? Well, the volume of a cylinder is V = {\pi}r^2h and the perimeter, using Frodo's diagram is: P = 4r + 2h h = \frac12P -2r so V =...
  8. rxh140630

    Optimization problem - right circular cylinder inscribed in cone

    Seriously great reply, thank you. I will try again and report back.
  9. rxh140630

    Optimization problem - right circular cylinder inscribed in cone

    Please I do not want the answer, I just want understanding as to why my logic is faulty. Included as an attachment is how I picture the problem. My logic: Take the volume of the cone, subtract it by the volume of the cylinder. Take the derivative. from here I can find the point that the cone...
  10. rxh140630

    *solved*Particle moving along a parabola

    Hmm actually I think implicit differentiation is the easiest way to do this problem. it gives you the result x=1/2 and y=1/4, the books answer
  11. rxh140630

    *solved*Particle moving along a parabola

    Yeap, no mention of accelerating, I don't really know what that is. That's just the derivative of velocity right? It doesn't mention velocity or acceleration. Just how the two coordinates change with respect to each other, which I guess implies velocity? I need to start reading a physics...
  12. rxh140630

    *solved*Particle moving along a parabola

    No clue, it's a calculus book, I'm guessing they decided to remove gravity from the equation.
  13. rxh140630

    *solved*Particle moving along a parabola

    Would the trivial solution be x=0,y=0? Non trivial: let y=x^2 \frac{dy}{dx}=2x, \frac{dx}{dy} = \frac12y^{-\frac12} x=\frac14 y^{-\frac12} here x=1 and y = 1/16 is a solution but my book says the answer is x=1/2 and y=1/4 this is one answer that you get with the equation I derived, but I...
  14. rxh140630

    Related rates: water level in a cone

    Yes I understand now. We have to take into account everything that changes in the problem.
  15. rxh140630

    Related rates: water level in a cone

    Okay, I got the same answer as in my book. I'll be editing this post and doing a write up as to how I got it. Making this post in case someone happens to stop by this thread, so they don't waste their time...