Recent content by Russellbacica

  1. R

    Quantum Teleportation of 3D objects

    it is quantum teleportation of 3d objects because you need a quantum computer to strip an object into electrons.
  2. R

    Quantum teleportation of macroscopic objects

    its possible to travel via worm holes but you can't travel place to place you can only travel into the multiverse sort of like time travel:)
  3. R

    Quantum teleportation of macroscopic objects

    Teleportation from one place to another is not possible unless the start and end are connected by wires like a fax because you have to strip the object into electrons then reconstruct it at the other end.
  4. R

    Quantum Teleportation of 3D objects

    Multivese Travel. Is the theory traveling between Multiverses by striping us into electrons then transmiting them through worm holes then reconstructing them on the other side like a fax! Is it possible?