Recent content by Ruslan_Sharipov

  1. R

    A Need help with the reaction of neutrons and electrons

    No. Not a homework assignment. I am 57, too old for homework. I just want to discuss the reaction that I did not find anywhere on the Web.
  2. R

    A Need help with the reaction of neutrons and electrons

    Please let me know if the following reaction is possible for high energy electrons colliding with neutrons or neutron-rich nuclei: n+e^{-}\to \Delta^{-}+\nu_e.\tag{1} If it is forbidden for some conservation law or for some other reason, please give me an explanation why. This reaction is...
  3. R

    On operation principles of zinc-manganese alkaline batteries

    The Wikipedia article on alkaline batteries says that they operate at the expense of the oxidation of zinc metal to zinc oxide and the reduction of manganese dioxide to Mn2O3. Anode half reaction is written as Zn + 2 OH− → ZnO + H2O + 2 e−. However we know that metals reacting with water...
  4. R

    Good chemistry websites

    Dear Forumers! There is a fascinating resource, The Cornell University Archive, where one can publish his own research paper in Math, in Physics, in Computer Science, in Quantitative Biology, in Quantitative Finance, and in Statistics without a long lasting review procedure...
  5. R

    A First Course in String Theory/Invariant Interval/Metric

    In your case you have not the Riemannian metric, but the Minkovski metric. In writing any metric as a sum \sum_{ij}\,g_{ij}\ dx^i\otimes dx^j the differentials dx^i and dx^j are formal symbols. The interval notation ds or ds^2 is used if you want to calculate the length of a parametric curve...
  6. R

    When does quartic have only one real solution?

    The question was asked five years ago. Recently I encountered the same problem in my research and I have found the answer to this question. It is in Appendix A of my paper
  7. R

    Can a Human Survive in a Vacuum Chamber for Several Hours?

    Sweat evaporation in vacuum goes even better than in the air. Note that water does not boil in firmly closed vessel even when heated to 100°С. Several hours or more.
  8. R

    Can a Human Survive in a Vacuum Chamber for Several Hours?

    Probably that was because other parts of his body were at higher pressure. This wouldn't be the case if the whole body is in vacuum. It would be best to perform such an experiment using a breathing mask. I think it is safe since, being in the vacuum chamber, man can control his state and can...
  9. R

    Can a Human Survive in a Vacuum Chamber for Several Hours?

    I did not mean to be exposed to vacuum for a short while and then pressurized again. I mean to be decompressed slowly and then stay in vacuum for a long while.
  10. R

    Can a Human Survive in a Vacuum Chamber for Several Hours?

    There are many sources which say that a human cannot survive under the abrupt exposure to vacuum. What would happen if the exposure is not abrupt? Can a regularly clothed human survive in a vacuum chamber if we gradually lower the air pressure in the chamber to vacuum values for several hours of...
  11. R

    What is the connection between tumors and teeth?

    In the case reported above the tumor contained fully grown teeth, not something just resembling teeth. My conjecture is that this particular tumor or its cells cultivated in viro could act as inductors causing tooth producing genes to be expressed. Please, could I expect that this tumor is...
  12. R

    What is the connection between tumors and teeth?

    I would like to know if teratoma tumor can be cultivated in vitro. In this case it can be used as a placenta for growing human organs, e.g. tooth germs or germs of other organs which then can be transplanted to a patient.
  13. R

    Do neurons actually die within 5 minutes of anoxia?

    I would like to add another reference. This is the book: Volpe J. J., Neurology of the newborn, 5th edition, Saunders and Elsevier, 2008, ISBN 978-1-4160-3995-2. On page 270 of this book we find the following text: The crucial initial observation was that cultured hippocampal neurons obtained...
  14. R

    Do neurons actually die within 5 minutes of anoxia?

    Well, but looking through the article, I did not find any words saying that the authors continued their observations resuming O2/glucose supply after 15 minutes of deprivation until the total death of neurons, i. e. until their cellular destruction, or maybe until their recovery. Moreover, the...
  15. R

    Do neurons actually die within 5 minutes of anoxia?

    The contest in Changsha, China (May 30, 2012) is not unique. You can see the list of breath holding world records in Wikipedia. I support your doubt about cell death of neurons. It is known that a special bandage (tourniquet) is applied to a limb in order to stop arterial bleeding. The...