Recent content by RunToFreeForFly

  1. R

    What Scientists Believe is the Purpose of Life

    purposing of life is prove our existantisy
  2. R

    What Makes Me Me? Exploring Separate Observers & Existence

    If your eyes are put in your ass. you will exist in your ass. seriously, I think I me is just some reaction made by the chemical in your head.
  3. R

    Is Gayness a Disease? Exploring the Debate

    I think it is. Gay people trend to do what organism suppose not do. organism should **** the opposite sex.
  4. R

    Does it require a god to create the physics rule?

    Does physics require a creator to make the laws of physics? I am not so sure.
  5. R

    Is the Universe Governed by Divine Physics or Natural Laws?

    I mean...Does it require a god to design the physics rule. why the world is not like bunny cartoon?
  6. R

    Time's Speed: A Brief Overview

    estein said speed of time is change with the speed of movement of the object. so the speed of time in Earth should be different?
  7. R

    Time's Speed: A Brief Overview

    How fast is it?
  8. R

    Can we travel over light speed?

    an old question. want an answer
  9. R

    Is the Universe Governed by Divine Physics or Natural Laws?

    Do it exist from the beginning or before the begining?
  10. R

    Is the Universe Moving? Acceleration or Stationary?

    relative to outside of universe?
  11. R

    Is Satisfying Our Appetite Necessary for Human Existence?

    If there's no appetite, we would stop doing everything and be a tree. It makes pains too. We can't stop it, because we are human. no appetite no life.
  12. R

    Is the Universe Moving? Acceleration or Stationary?

    It is moving, accelerating or stationary? PS: hi, I am noob say hi to the new comers.