Recent content by Routaran

  1. R

    When was the first computer bug discovered?

    My first was a ZX Spectrum+ way back in 1988. I had an absolute blast with this thing. Too young to really understand but it came with a manual with some tutorials for writing programs in BASIC. Typing in some numbers and letters and then seeing boxes appear and move on the TV, that was so cool...
  2. R

    Can You Upgrade Your Laptop's GPU?

    Try searching for the make and model of the computer for a manual. It usually specifies what components can be replaced.
  3. R

    Automation: What kind of trouble will it be? This Ted talk was a pretty interesting perspective.
  4. R

    Has a New Wi-Fi Hack Been Discovered in the WPA2 Security Protocol?

    It's not as bad as it sounds. wpa_supplicant on linux was patched on the same day the information was released. On an unpatched system, this attack can be used to capture and view data being sent from the client to the access point. For example: The attacker can see that your system made a dns...
  5. R

    Should I Upgrade My Motherboard for My Haswell i7 or Stick with My AMD FX-4100?

    According to the intel website, the 4770K is a socket 1150 processor. You shouldn't have any trouble at all finding a mobo to fit this. I did a quick search on and i found this asus mobo that looked pretty good to me. It will last you a good little while. My 10 year old gen 1...
  6. R

    Dealing with Hard Drive Failure: Causes, Fixes, and Next Steps

    I wouldn't recommend continuing to use this drive. The S.M.A.R.T. tests indicate that the drive is already passed the manufacturer's recommended threshold for reallocated sectors. Too much of the drive is already bad. Low usage could very well see the drive last a while but assuming the test...
  7. R

    Dealing with Hard Drive Failure: Causes, Fixes, and Next Steps

    Reallocated Sectors Count indicates the count of reallocated sectors. When a drive finds a read/write/verification error it marks the sector as "reallocated" and transfers data to another part of the drive. This is why, on a modern hard disks, you will not see bad blocks while testing the...
  8. R

    Is Cloud Storage a Safer Option for Protecting Windows Files?

    Yes. Remember, the admin is supposed to be able to do anything on the system, this is their role. They can reset passwords, view file contents, etc. That's their role. If you want to hide something from the system admin, then you have to use a method that is not part of the operating system...
  9. R

    Installing Ansys on Windows 32-bit

    As far as I know, their free student licences are only available for the 64 bit version of Windows. At the bottom of the page, there's a contact us link. I suggest you email/call them and specifically ask if they have any of their older 32...
  10. R

    Locking Computer System while Out for a While?

    Do a quick test. log in. open up a browser, open a couple tabs. then click switch user this will drop you back to the login screen. then log in again and verify that the browser is still open. this is how windows is supposed to normally behave. Switch user is exactly what you are looking to...
  11. R

    Network Cabling Testing (for home)

    The best way to find out if your cabling was done right is to use a cable tester. This is what I use. If you don't want to do that, you can connect a computer at both ends and then do...
  12. R

    Locking Computer System while Out for a While?

    Use switch user. This will keep your session active and allow others to use the system while you are away. Unless the system is rebooted, all your programs will remain active when you log back in.
  13. R

    If they catch the WannaCry culprits

    I would love to go further and say make it illegal for anyone to sit on zero days.
  14. R

    How can I fix the constant popup window on my PC after a virus removal?

    Autoruns + Process Explorer + Safemode + Deny permissions = Death to all spyware. (except rootkits as stoomart said lol can't kill what you can't see, at when booting the infected OS)
  15. R

    Building a PC for ProTools/Java/C/Python/LoL

    I have 3 at work, interestingly all Asus lol #spoiledITguy