Recent content by Rosemary902348

  1. R

    Divide observational data into normal periods for study

    Thanks for all the input, this definitely helps getting in the right direction. In short words just trying to get the average for each season in period A and the average for each season in period B. So in period A we end up with 4 average values, same for B. The observation data available are...
  2. R

    Divide observational data into normal periods for study

    Thinking about it now I just realized that we are looking at the average season of all seasons during the whole period. So the average would be the same regardless of which months are treated togheter I believe, it all averages out in the end result by making one season out of all seasons. We...
  3. R

    Divide observational data into normal periods for study

    Sorry for not beeing more clear. I'll try to formulate in more simple terms. I am comparing data from 2 periods. Each period is of 30 years. Let's just for simplicity call them period 1 and 2. Looking just at seasons, we create average values for each season. So the average for a winter in...
  4. R

    Divide observational data into normal periods for study

    When analyzing hydrological and climatological timeseries/observations it is common practice to compare statistics made on normal periods. As WMO calls them "WMO Climatological Normals". These periods consist normally of 30 years of data. If you want to compare two normal periods with each...