Recent content by rollingstone

  1. R

    Balck hole within 20 light years?

    Can you get a thing like that within the sol's closest space? I mean, if there was one somewhere between us and say alpha centauri or barnard's star, is it possible that you cannot feel it's gravity force?
  2. R

    Cylindrical interior (first ark) starship to Alpha Centauri - by A. Ahad

    Wheheyyy... it's not _my_ novel! Found it on yahoo by some dude from England:
  3. R

    Cylindrical interior (first ark) starship to Alpha Centauri - by A. Ahad

    This gigantic thing here called the Centauri Princess, can it be built in the next few hundred years? That would be the greatest engineering achievement in all human history...
  4. R

    Sirius - habitable orbit? (link)

    <<<three planets have been detected the inner one is too hot the outer one is too cold but the middle one would be roughly same average temp as earth>>> If that middle one is a _rocky_ planet then there is every hope for life. So they should steer the SETI dishes in this direction now...
  5. R

    Sirius - habitable orbit? (link)

    If by _habitable_ you imply will be able to support life, then I think okay - if your calcs are right. If you imply has life, then I think difficult if not impossible, because sirius A is too young a system, and Sirius B will have gone through red giant phase relatively recently, disrupting all...
  6. R

    Gamma Ray Bursters: Explaining the Mystery 8 Billion Light Years Away

    _one observation of a GRB 8 billion light years from Earth _ Cor, that's a long way off. Can it harm us or touch us in some way or other?