Recent content by Rohan de Silva

  1. Rohan de Silva

    I Delayed Choice with both slits closed, What happens?

    What is the "non-relativistic limit"? Is it a speed close to speed of light? I have read that the double-slit experiment has been done with massive atoms as well. So, don't they obey the Schrodinger equation?
  2. Rohan de Silva

    I Delayed Choice with both slits closed, What happens?

    Thanks. This is a good explanation. So, I know that photon is not a "classical" particle and it's position adhere to Schrodinger equation. Do they close the slit when the entire Schrodinger equation probability distribution passes the slit??
  3. Rohan de Silva

    I Delayed Choice with both slits closed, What happens?

    So, then how can they close one slit AFTER the photon has passed the slit?? This experiment, with one slit closed after the photon has passed slit has been done, right??
  4. Rohan de Silva

    I Delayed Choice with both slits closed, What happens?

    Thanks. Yes, the quantum eraser is the most sophisticated version of the experiment. I am interested in the less complex delayed-choice only experiment, where instead of closing one slit after the photon has passed the slit, you close BOTH slits after the photon has passed the slits.
  5. Rohan de Silva

    I Delayed Choice with both slits closed, What happens?

    I am reading about this most famous experiment in physics, the double-slit experiment. My question is very simple: in the "Delayed Choice" version, have they done the test where they close BOTH SLITS (at once) after the photon has passed the slits?? If so, what have been the result? Can you...