Recent content by Rodneyshibu

  1. R

    Is Harnessing Energy from Trains Through Regenerative Braking Practical?

    @Simon Bridge So I'm guessing this series of energy recovery devices required to make this project efficient will cost more than $2500 for only a minimal energy gain.
  2. R

    Is Harnessing Energy from Trains Through Regenerative Braking Practical?

    @Simon Bridge I googled up Carnot Efficiency. So basically it is possible to generate an electric current from heat even though some heat will escape. But is it as simple as installing a Carnot Engine and generating electricity or does the installation also require energy resulting in a net loss...
  3. R

    Is Harnessing Energy from Trains Through Regenerative Braking Practical?

    @Danger What exactly is an over-unity device?
  4. R

    Is Harnessing Energy from Trains Through Regenerative Braking Practical?

    Dear all, A group of students and I were designing a project aimed to harness a train's motion in order to produce electricity that can be used to run the train itself. Our idea was to connect a protruding wheel on a side of the train which consists of a dynamo located in the wheel. This dynamo...
  5. R

    Send Electric Signals to DACs w/ Microprocessors

    @meBigGuy How exactly do we "tell" the chip what words to sequence to the DAC
  6. R

    Send Electric Signals to DACs w/ Microprocessors

    @berkeman What exactly is the micro controller's console. Basically, where should I type the number? @jim hardy How can I make the computer to recognise when the switch has closed and prompt it to send the signal to the DAC
  7. R

    Send Electric Signals to DACs w/ Microprocessors

    Thank you all so much for your help What I want to do is to be able to send a signal to the DAC to emit a certain sound but I want the sound to vary. For example, when I send a particular signal is will emit "hello" and when I send another...
  8. R

    Send Electric Signals to DACs w/ Microprocessors

    Thank you for your reply but I searched up speech synthesis but that is not exactly what I was looking for. Actually, I am just 14 years old so I am quite new to this stuff. What I want is that when I close a particular circuit (by a switch for example) it will send a signal to any audio DAC to...
  9. R

    Send Electric Signals to DACs w/ Microprocessors

    No I don't have any particular micro controller in mind but what I basically want to send an electric signal to an audio device allowing to emit a certain sound (eg. hello). I presumed that using a micro controller and a DAC is the only way to possibly achieve this but if you have anything else...
  10. R

    Send Electric Signals to DACs w/ Microprocessors

    Hello Could I use a microprocessor (or anything else for that matter) to send a signal to a DAC that converts the signal to audio. For example, when I close a circuit the microchip sends a signal to the DAC to emit a certain sound. Thanks in advance for any responses and please inform me...