Recent content by robsmith82

  1. R

    Area under graph when log-log scale gives straight line

    ok, i can integrate that, my real question is about how you found the function of y... How did you find that slope?
  2. R

    Area under graph when log-log scale gives straight line

    Hi, I have a graph with a frequency on the x-axis and power density on the y axis. Both scales are logarithmic, and the graph shows a straight line between the points (110Hz, 0.001V^2/Hz) and (200Hz, 0.004V^2/Hz). I need to work out the area under this portion of the graph as it relates to...
  3. R

    Troubleshooting Turbine Flowmeter Calibration

    What I'm really struggling with is whether I need to do the same point a number of times to get the mean and SD for that point to be able to find and state the uncertainty, or whether I just take one reading per point.
  4. R

    How do I state uncertainty when calibrating a flowmeter?

    Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble trying to set up a process for calibrating turbine flowmeters for use in fuel rigs. Basically, I have a calibrated "master" flowmeter in series with the uncalibrated turbine flowmeter. I need a process that will give me the line of best fit across the...
  5. R

    Troubleshooting Turbine Flowmeter Calibration

    Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble trying to set up a process for calibrating turbine flowmeters for use in fuel rigs. Basically, I have a calibrated "master" flowmeter in series with the uncalibrated turbine flowmeter. I need a process that will give me the line of best fit across the...
  6. R

    What are the units for Young's Modulus in GPa?

    I seem to be going a bit brain dead here, but in youngs modulus, how are the units in GPa as they are in one of my product specs I've just received? Lets say we have stress in kN/m^2 and strain has no units, then surely E should be in kN/m^2?
  7. R

    Boil water at higher pressure vs. energy consumption

    Umm... I think your missing something fundamental here. The whole reason water is easier to boil at a lower atmospheric pressure is that it boils at a lower temperature. once the vapour pressure of a liquid becomes equal or higher than the atmospheric pressure, it will boil. I've done work on...
  8. R

    Orifice plate diameter sizing

    Hello, I am trying to figure out how to calculate the diameter of an orifice for a pill loop in an oil heater and pump. The hot oil is used to heat fuel in a heat exchanger, and is driven by a positive displacement pump. There is a spill loop with an orifice plate, and the requirement is...
  9. R

    What Is the Air Solubility Coefficient of Kerosene-Based Aircraft Fuel?

    Thanks for the reply. Not sure how I can find the partial pressure. I can find the true vapour pressure from the reid vapour pressure if it is possible to do from this?
  10. R

    Calculating Time and Velocity for a Speedboat Approaching a No-Wake Buoy

    Its probably worth stating just how important these equations are in mechanics. After the obvious F=ma, these are probably the most fundamental and widespread equations you will come across if you continue work on motion (with constant acceleration)
  11. R

    Projectile Motion Help: Angle 15, Time 3.5s, Unknown Distances & Velocity

    Maybe you are to assume the object is to be thrown from ground level? Then this is solvable.
  12. R

    Projectile Motion Help: Angle 15, Time 3.5s, Unknown Distances & Velocity

    Maybe you are to assume the object is to be thrown from ground level? Then this is solvable.
  13. R

    Dry Lift Testing: Resources for Turboshaft Fuel Pumps

    Ok I'd better give some background. When designing a fuel pump for military helicopter applications, you have to take into account that there is no boost pump at the fuel tank, as this would leave a pressurised line running up the side of the cockpit which could be a big fire hazard if...
  14. R

    Wankel Rotary Engine: Exploring Why It's Not Used More

    So what's the main advantage of a wankel? Is it more balanced in terms of vibration than a reciprocating piston engine?