Recent content by RobertArvanitis

  1. R

    Why Does a Spinning Object Wobble but Not Tumble?

    Perhaps you are thinking of nutation?
  2. R

    A Dark Matter Real: Studies Confirm, Modifying Gravity Can't Work

    Your topic line is appropriate but the phrase "dark matter is real" seems like click-bait. Humans operate at the meter level. We can hypothesize from 10^-30 to 10^+30 scales, but it is only by inference. All our models, from Aristotle to the Standard, don't really fix things, but simple make...
  3. R

    Mechanics of a car turning left

    Factchecker - Yes, got to be something like that. Have you ever seen the details of tire alignment - caster, camber and toe in? Race cars get "tuned" for different events. Hoping to come across the similar force diagrams for a simple turn. (There's already material for over and under steer).
  4. R

    Mechanics of a car turning left

    True but not quite the point of the question. Start with a rocket. side thrusters can change the orientation of the rocket but not actually turn it left. It would keep going straight, turned sideways. So the momentum in the forward direction must be canceled, and new momentum to the right...
  5. R

    Mechanics of a car turning left

    Imagine a carom shot in a perfect world. A ball travels diagonally from the lower left-hand corner towards the right cushion and bounces off to head towards the upper left-hand corner. The ball has X and Y momentum. On the collision, the cushion absorbs and then return all the -X momentum to...
  6. R

    How do tires create momentum and change axes in a car turning right?

    Not the "friendly" sort of answer that PF proclaims... Usually work through questions on my own; thought there might be someone who's been there ahead of me. Here's the sort of thing I was thinking about:
  7. R

    How do tires create momentum and change axes in a car turning right?

    A car traveling north makes a right turn, to head east. How do the tires completely offset py and simultaneously create px? (If the tires merely acted like guidance jets, it might turn to face east but continue traveling north.
  8. R

    Understanding Electric Fields and Voltage: How Do They Relate?

    A new learner asks things like "I can manipulate equations and substitute values to solve, but what does what does voltage MEAN?!" What do I reply? How to aid visualization / conceptualization? Not quite an analog to gravity, as there are attractive and repulsive forces in E&M.
  9. R

    Understanding Electric Fields and Voltage: How Do They Relate?

    Homework Statement How to explain, and distinguish among (or build up from initial definitions) the terms electric field, electric potential, electric potential energy, voltage, difference in voltage. The usage in various sources is casual or insufficiently specific. Homework EquationsThe...