Recent content by Robert Miller

  1. R

    Using Light as a absolute frame of reference?

    As I've heard ZPE described is random EM waves in a vacuum at 0'K. The amount of energy per cm^3.
  2. R

    Using Light as a absolute frame of reference?

    I can make a simple math expression error if you can make a simple verb tense error, or was it a comma error? In science how does anybody know something for a fact when 300 years ago it was a fact that light speed was infinite, or to know the Universe was, and always had been a Steady State...
  3. R

    Using Light as a absolute frame of reference?

    It is my understanding that the speed of c has slowed since it was first measured 300 years ago even accounting for the level of accuracy and extra lenses in early telescopes. c has been accepted to have a reference speed when (c*h) multiplied by Planck's constant which has an inverse ratio to c.
  4. R

    How did Max Planck derive his constant H?

    I'm listening to a lecture by Barry Satterfield. It's long and painful to listen to due to so much background noise. The lecture is on Zero Point Energy. I don't have the math background, but I have a good head for the theoretical concepts. I've read this kind of stuff for many years. 20...
  5. R

    How did Max Planck derive his constant H?

    Can somebody point me to a English summary of Max Plancks 1906 paper? [Post moved to this thread by moderator]
  6. R

    How did Max Planck derive his constant H?

    I listened to a lecture the other day that some anomalies in observations compared to theory caused Max Plank to derive his famous Constant.