Recent content by Robben

  1. R

    Editing Videos from Crunchyroll: What Technology to Use?

    What technology can I use to upload a video so that I can edit some parts? For example, I like watching anime online and will like to edit a scene where I believe the anime studio did a horrible job. The video I want to edit is on Crunchyroll (which is an anime website), how can I (for the lack...
  2. R

    Junior Java Developer in Test: Interview Questions & SQL/Java Practices

    I applied at an internship for the position of a Junior Java Developer in Test and I am wondering if you can provide me some screening question examples? The internship requires that I have strong knowledge in SQL and Java. I asked the recruiter to elaborate on the technical interview questions...
  3. R

    XML & Servlets: Predefined Tags & More

    Before I started self learning servlets I had to learn XML first and I learned that XML has no predefined tags instead they are invented, but while learning servlets I came across tags that are predefined in my eclipse i.e. <servlet-mapping> and <url-pattern>. Am I not understanding this...
  4. R

    Comp Sci Java Fibonacci Sequence: Finding the Sum of Even-Valued Terms Under 4 Million

    Yup, I changed all the int to long and the method produced a different negative number.
  5. R

    Comp Sci Java Fibonacci Sequence: Finding the Sum of Even-Valued Terms Under 4 Million

    It does work for smaller numbers but for large numbers it doesn't. I tried with long and double and it still produces different negative numbers?
  6. R

    Comp Sci Java Fibonacci Sequence: Finding the Sum of Even-Valued Terms Under 4 Million

    Homework Statement Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ... By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million...
  7. R

    Java Junior Java Interview Questions -- What to Expect?

    By error handling would an if and else statement suffice or would I have to use a try and catch block?
  8. R

    Java Junior Java Interview Questions -- What to Expect?

    Oh, I see. Sounds reasonable. For your first example, do you mean a String that contains only integers i.e. "123" then I must convert the string into an integer? And the last two examples looks pretty difficult. I am going to attempt them now. Thanks a bunch!
  9. R

    Java Junior Java Interview Questions -- What to Expect?

    I talked to the recruiter and they stated that I must code the answer to find a numerical value. Do you have any ideas what they mean?
  10. R

    Java Junior Java Interview Questions -- What to Expect?

    I thought it would have been bad/taboo to ask the recruiter lol? So it is acceptable to ask the recruiter?
  11. R

    Java Junior Java Interview Questions -- What to Expect?

    I am applying for a junior java internship and the recruiter told me there is going to be a math based interview question that I must code. What can I expect from this math based question? Are there general math questions that you can provide me so that I will have a good understanding of what...
  12. R

    LaTeX Writing equations in latex into my html

    Oh wow, MathJax looks really awesome and simple. Thanks!
  13. R

    LaTeX Writing equations in latex into my html

    I just started learning html and css today. I am trying to build a webpage where I can place in all my homework questions and solutions. How can I use latex to write the equations in my html?
  14. R

    Other Any Recommendations for HTML/CSS/JavaScript Books Similar to 'Absolute Java'?

    I want to learn html, CSS, and javascript is there any good books you can recommend? I used "Absolute Java", by Walter Savitch to learn java and I really liked it. Is there any html/CSS/javascript books similar to it?