Recent content by rob60

  1. R

    Central Force Field: Meaning of Centrifugal Term

    oh yes. My english is inadequate: excuse me, please. the 'effective potential expression' has a term: + L^2/(2mr^2). The force associate is directed outward from the center of the orbit, it looks like a 'centrifugal force'.
  2. R

    Central Force Field: Meaning of Centrifugal Term

    I'm sorry but I do not understand what are the errors. thanks for the help
  3. R

    Central Force Field: Meaning of Centrifugal Term

    Homework Statement In the study of motion in a Central-Force Field in radial coordinates it is defined an effective potential energy which depends only on the radius r: in particular there is a term 'centrifugal' because the relative force (-grad) has a centrifugal versus. What is the...
  4. R

    Cosmic rays and induced radioactivity

    Homework Statement 90% of the cosmic rays that fall on Earth are protons. So the outside of the Earth is hit by a net positive charge but does not seem to be, in particular, positively charged. How do you explain this? One last thing: I read that a body that is exposed to radiation becomes...
  5. R

    The spherical symmetry of massive bodies

    Thank you, I've understand. It is true that if the body is small enough it can be considered set in a field of parallel forces (with obvious and simple results) but this is an approximation that works fine, i think, for artificial satellites and for the bodies on a 'human scale'. In...
  6. R

    The spherical symmetry of massive bodies

    Homework Statement Consider the study of the motion of a two bodies system interacting with only gravitational forces. If the two bodies (or even one of them) has not spherical symmetry, how will you proceed? Indeed the Earth and the moon does not have spherical symmetry mass distributions...