Recent content by Rigel84

  1. Rigel84

    B At which point is gravity the strongest?

    So what causes huge pressure at the Earths core is force cased by attraction of two opposite points? Even if gravity is zero at center or near zero pressure is still high simply because point A is attracted to point B on the other side? Do I understand this correctly?
  2. Rigel84

    B At which point is gravity the strongest?

    I'm embarrassed to admit that I am bit confused with concept of gravity. Here is practical example: When I stand on surface of the Earth majority, actually all mass is bellow me and gravity pulls me down. Let's imagine now that I am standing on the Earths iron core, majority of mass is above me...
  3. Rigel84

    Is laser beam visible in vacuum?

    This is what I understand about light. Light is electromagnetic wave, it comes from the source, bounces from the objects and we see reflected light. Let's imagine next situation. We are in a dark room and we got only one light source, a toy laser. When we turn it on, we can clearly see beam...
  4. Rigel84

    B Gravitational Lensing: Gravity's Effect on Light

    Thanks, it bit clearer. At least I think it is.
  5. Rigel84

    B Gravitational Lensing: Gravity's Effect on Light

    This is what I was referring to. Maybe I wasn't clear enough with my question. To simplify, is light effected by gravity in same manner as objects with mass regardless of speed? Photons do not have mass but they do have energy. Everything follows curvature of space? Physics I learned back in...
  6. Rigel84

    B Gravitational Lensing: Gravity's Effect on Light

    This is my first (well second if we exclude introduction forums) topic here. I just want to make clear that I am not professional nor involved in field in any way. I am just regular Joe who wants to know more about nature. I could say that I understand fact that mass distorts space but there is...
  7. Rigel84

    Exploring the Wonders of Nature: A Beginner's Journey in Physics

    Just waned to say Hi, I am new member obviously. I am interested in physics but I am not professional by any means. Actually It would not be fair to says that I am amateur either, I ma just interested in how nature works. Hopefully I will learn something new here,