Recent content by Ridzuan

  1. Ridzuan

    RTG crane -- hydraulic motor and linkage design to turn these wheels

    Yes. 17 ton per tyre. The tires are air-inflated tyre.
  2. Ridzuan

    RTG crane -- hydraulic motor and linkage design to turn these wheels

    Hi all I would like to ask your professional guide in designing a hydraulic system. I attached a file, showing sketch of the RTG crane wheel structure. Here are the conditions: 1. The red-line is the hydraulic cylinder with "X" as the fix point. 2. The hydraulic cylinder will stroke out from...
  3. Ridzuan

    What is the formula for calculating moment of inertia in RTG crane design?

    For my case, the speed was request by the operation team, based on the operation performance record
  4. Ridzuan

    JIS-B8830: Wind Load Assessment book

    Hi guys Does anyone here got the JIS-B8830: Wind Load Assessment book in English version? I've tried to get it from online and from bookstore but only Japanese version is available. thanks guys
  5. Ridzuan

    Fatigue analysis with JIS standard book

    Hi Kotaro Yamashita. Nice to know you. I think I've found the right person, japanese crane maker engineer. Thanks for the clarification. You are explaining very well. Can you define those 3 terms in layman term... i am a mechanical engineer but i found it is hard to understand... a simple...
  6. Ridzuan

    Fatigue analysis with JIS standard book

    I am doing design review for RTG crane, manufactured by MITSUI Paceco. In the technical document submission, they are providing the fatigue analysis. I am cross checking the analysis with JIS standard book, JISB8821:Calculation standards for steel structures of cranes. The equations as...
  7. Ridzuan

    Fatigue analysis with JIS standard book

    Dear guys can somebody explain, what is actually the following terms, used in fatigue analysis: 1. Mean stress correction factor 2. Plate thickness correction factor 3. Redundancy factor Thanks guys. you are the best...
  8. Ridzuan

    Acceleration resistance in crane design

    Dear Jack Action You mentioning the 3.65 x 10^5 is constant for unit conversions to kW. i am unable to figure out what unit to be converted to kW. can you help me? thx
  9. Ridzuan

    What is the formula for calculating moment of inertia in RTG crane design?

    Dear JBA I found the formula as link given is similar with the design calculation, but only the crane designer put a figure in front: Load MOI = 4 x W x (V/2π x rpm)^2 What does the "4" stands for? tq
  10. Ridzuan

    Acceleration resistance in crane design

    Dear sir, thank you for your explanation. it is very helpful. I appreciate it so much. just wonder, what came out from the (kgm^2 x rpm^2) / t... to be specific, what unit it produce that enable it to be convert to kW?
  11. Ridzuan

    Acceleration resistance in crane design

    Hi everybody Does anyone familiar with this equation? Acceleration resistance, = {(load MOI/mech. efficiency) + (motor MOI) x rpm^2} / {3.65 x 10^5 x acceleration time} = {(kgm^2/ƞ) + (kgm^2) x rpm^2} / {3.65 x 10^5 x second} = final value unit is in kilowatt (kW) It used to calculate the...
  12. Ridzuan

    What is the formula for calculating moment of inertia in RTG crane design?

    You are very hepful sir. I thank you so much
  13. Ridzuan

    What is the formula for calculating moment of inertia in RTG crane design?

    This is my understanding... The final unit is kgm^2. So it is MOI. This value is later used to calculate the acceleration force. This is justified as MOI is the resisting force in acceleration...