Recent content by Rico L

  1. R

    How are the anti-quarks formed

    anti-matter is formed because anti-quark is formed ... i went down to cern last week and asked them how do they make anti-protons, the guy explained that its made by colliding two protons... tho he did explain, but i didnt understand him fully, he said something abt anti-quarks... can some...
  2. R

    Help i need a explanation for this

    ooooh,,, thanks
  3. R

    Help i need a explanation for this

    I got this from a book anyway An astronomer called William Herchel used some very accurate and sensitive mercury thermometer, he placed one in front of a spectrum of light and found that as he moved it across the bands of different colors from violet to red,the temperature rose. this...
  4. R

    What is this equation all about ?

    oh.. thanks
  5. R

    What is this equation all about ?

    A+∧=8\pi / c^4 times T what is this equation about? cheers by the way: its 8 pi not 8 to the power of pi
  6. R

    Can sound wave also interference just like EM wave

    awww! damn ! i got it wrong!-- thanks anyway
  7. R

    Can sound wave also interference just like EM wave

    its my exam question.. i am not so sure... but i put it can't because sound is a wave of vibration which it can diffract but not interence... but i don't know.. can sound wave interference? cheers
  8. R

    How come massless photon has energy

    this make sense.. cheers ppl and tom
  9. R

    How come massless photon has energy

    thanks.. but can you be more precise? what kind of relativistic mass ?
  10. R

    Exploring the Possibilities of Time Travel: The Science and Theories Behind It

    yes which means that we are still not there yet... its a umimaginable long way to go even though we have someone times times better than Einstein
  11. R

    Why is Quantum thoery so confusing that no body actually understand it ?

    thats confusing.. :) lol i see your point
  12. R

    How come massless photon has energy

    I don't much about it.. but according to Einstein's equation that E=MC squared which suggests that the mass is also a factor, therefore in theory that photon suppose not to have any energy but however... photon travels through the space without stoping..just like infinity.. does photon ever...
  13. R

    Exploring the Possibilities of Time Travel: The Science and Theories Behind It

    yes but nothing is definite... some how or some day we can think about it... spacecraft is impossible back hundreds years ago.. people won't even think about it .. long time ago.. people would think that travel faster than sound is impossible but they all came possible so don't...
  14. R

    Exploring the Possibilities of Time Travel: The Science and Theories Behind It

    I don't think time travel is possible... if it is.. you can only travel into the future..