Recent content by rick112

  1. R

    Why planets move ant-clockwise direction

    Why majority of planets move in anti-clockwise direction around the sun??
  2. R

    What Does a Negative Absorbance Reading Indicate?

    hi i know this is kind of a basic question..but what in reality does a negative absorbance reading means?? why can't the spectrometer just say its out the reading range or something?? does a negative reading really say something can we look at it and detect if the negative...
  3. R

    Discover the Most Stable Structure and Learn Why It Stands Strong

    ok let me rephrase the question... what is the most stable structure at sub atomic,atomic and marcoscopic level..??
  4. R

    Discover the Most Stable Structure and Learn Why It Stands Strong

    Most stable structure ?? Hi Could anyone tell me which/what is the most stable structure? And Why?? Thanks a lot
  5. R

    Why most particles are spherical?

    hi well thank you all for ur response... well i have one more question... i would really like to know what is the shape of subatomic/atomic particles? and what is the reason for "that" particular shape??
  6. R

    Why most particles are spherical?

    hi i knew i was going to be in trouble over that statement(sub atomic and atomic particles are spherical)..i am sorry for that... well still my question remains is there a basic shape that most particle or object tends to achieve...?
  7. R

    Why most particles are spherical?

    why most particles are spherical?? Hi I was just wondering why most of the objects (such as planets, drop of water, atomic and subatomic particles) are spherical in there a primary shape that particles tend to take up?? thanks