Recent content by RicciFlow

  1. R

    Where can I find information on S^3?

    Excellent! This is precisely the kind of thing I was hoping for! The Hopf Fibration looks very interesting and I believe I will spend some time learning about it now. Also, thanks for the book recommendation, I will check it out soon. Thanks again! Oh! Dang! I feel as though I should have...
  2. R

    Where can I find information on S^3?

    Hello everyone, I am looking for some resources that could help me understand interesting properties of S^3 (or S^n really). I am doing a small project for my topology course and in my studies I have found that I lack knowledge about S^3. Are there any good texts or online lecture notes...
  3. R

    Math pole (which class was the most difficult for you?)

    The hardest for me are split in two really. The first proof course I ever took was a higher geometry class, just straight up axiomatic euclidean and non-euclidean geometry. There wasn't TOO much work, but as my very first time doing rigorous proofs, it certainly hurt. I also had to write a 10...
  4. R

    MATLAB MATLAB-saving data after loops for surf plot

    Hi everyone, it has been a while since I used MATLAB, and I find myself in need of something that I hope is rather simple. I am making a surface plot of a function that is a little odd. To plot said function I would normally use meshgrid or something, but that will not work thanks to my...
  5. R

    Advice on Testing Out of Alg II for Pre-Calc in High School

    I would like to second this. But I would still suggest learning trig sooner rather than later. Thre are a lot of identities and such that I have used, at least as a math major, that have been very useful and are very nice to have in your head. Of course the calculus can be learned easily with...
  6. R

    Advice on Testing Out of Alg II for Pre-Calc in High School

    Hi, I had a similar situation to you at one point. Personally, I was very glad to test out of my high schools pre-calculus class as opposed to the algebra-2trig course. But if you haven't dealt with trig yet, and that is the primary focus of Pre-calc, then you should consider self teaching the...
  7. R

    Scientific Research in the Field of Physics

    Hi, I'm pretty new to the game myself with only one publication. My work was pretty simple though in the grand scheme of things and it took myself and two others nearly a year to hammer out, and it was a theory paper in math. So even then we didn't have much to do as far as...
  8. R

    Math Graduate programs any advice?

    Right, well, maybe I can fit the second semester of Algebra in before I graduate. I always knew one or the other, not both, thanks for the heads up. Also, I am currently taking a grad indep. study in Differential Geometry. It's almost the full nine yards too involving Analysis on Manifolds...
  9. R

    Math Graduate programs any advice?

    Even more math backround? I knew that lots of the top schools wanted a sequence of either Analysis or Algebra. So I went with Analysis as I enjoy it more than Algebra (of course, I'll have to find a way to fix those grades). What other courses did you have in mind? I should also note that I did...
  10. R

    Math REUs 2012: When Can We Expect Decisions?

    Ah that stinks. I really wish I had my applications together sooner. I didn't think offers were going to be made to people in most of these programs before the actual application deadlines. Also, I'm just curious, what kind of courses/research experience have you had? haha, I guess I'm just...
  11. R

    Math Graduate programs any advice?

    I see. I might go ahead an do that then. Perhaps retake some classes that were not so hot the first time around. With that in mind though, let's say that I apply to the programs I'm trying for; any idea on how they might feel about me applying twice? Once during my actual senior year and again...
  12. R

    Math Graduate programs any advice?

    Oh wow, really? I'll go look into this for sure. If I only have to include my my last two years, then my GPA will look far better. Thanks! I am definitely excited about their geometry and dynamical systems resaerch groups.
  13. R

    Math Graduate programs any advice?

    I have taken Analysis 1 and 2. With mediocre grades sadly. There was no Real Analysis, as I have seen other schools offer. But if I see a grad version offered this year I will take it, and ace it. The only course in math I have left to take is Numerical Analysis, at least, for my degree...
  14. R

    Math Graduate programs any advice?

    Hi everyone, I am currently a math major with an emphasis in physics, and I will begin looking for the right graduate programs to apply to in the fall. I am a rather silly case however, and I was curious if anyone had any advice or potentially some reassurance on my potential to get into...
  15. R

    Math REUs 2012: When Can We Expect Decisions?

    How quickly did you hear back from UCONN after applying? I applied through the site, and was therefore unaware of this REU until late, but it still said the application deadline was the 20. So do you think all the fractal-DiffEq positions are filled now? I applied on the 17th...