Recent content by RicardoMarques

  1. R

    Counting Lines in a File: A Homework Statement

    Homework Statement #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #define MAX_STRING 256 #define MAX_LINHA 1024 typedef struct{ int dia, mes, ano; }Data; int contar_linhas(char fname[]) { FILE *f; Data int soma=0; // Inicializa o contador f =...
  2. R

    Create a Triangle with Asterisks in C: Step-by-Step Guide

    Long night waiting, going for the 20 :) Thank you guys !
  3. R

    Create a Triangle with Asterisks in C: Step-by-Step Guide

    I wrote this and it worked, what can I change to make the code better ? void escreve_linha(int i, int n) { for( n ; n > i ; n-- ) { printf("*"); ; } printf("\n"); } }
  4. R

    Create a Triangle with Asterisks in C: Step-by-Step Guide

    If use both parameters in escreve_linha like escreve_linha(int i, int n) is that ok ? If it is , I am thinking in something like for( n; n>i; n--)
  5. R

    Create a Triangle with Asterisks in C: Step-by-Step Guide

    What would be the hint, if i wanted to put it this way: **** *** ** *
  6. R

    Create a Triangle with Asterisks in C: Step-by-Step Guide

    I got it thank you ! Edit: void escreve_linha(int i) { int j ; for( j = 0 ; j <= i ; j++ ) { printf("*"); } printf("\n"); } }
  7. R

    Create a Triangle with Asterisks in C: Step-by-Step Guide

    I tried to change the function escreve_linha , but i need to keep the parameters i and n..
  8. R

    Create a Triangle with Asterisks in C: Step-by-Step Guide

    Yes I do. You misunderstood me. I want to get the answer, but by myself... But I clearly need a little bit of help now, since I'm stuck. I haven't understand clearly the hints you are giving me.
  9. R

    Create a Triangle with Asterisks in C: Step-by-Step Guide

    I cannot understand what are the changes that I need to do to make a triangle, i tried a lot of things and nothing seems to work
  10. R

    Create a Triangle with Asterisks in C: Step-by-Step Guide

    I am studying for a frequency, getting the answer would be ok... I have no time to ask my professor, and I'm really confused
  11. R

    Create a Triangle with Asterisks in C: Step-by-Step Guide

    Can you show me how please ? I'm really confused about this
  12. R

    Create a Triangle with Asterisks in C: Step-by-Step Guide

    < Mentor Note -- code tags have been added for better readability. In the future, please use code tags. Thank you. > 1. Homework Statement #include <stdio.h> void escreve_linha(int n) { int i; for( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { printf("*"); } printf("\n"); } void...
  13. R

    Rotation Velocity on a boomerang

    I want to know this "a" assuming that the period is like 0.5... In the paper i read about it they call that velocity "a" rotation velocity... but is given i m/s and angular velocity is in rad/s, so I am kinda confused about this
  14. R

    Rotation Velocity on a boomerang

    Is exactly that my question