Recent content by Ricardo

  1. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    Dale, It was my mistake. I almost immediately recognized it almost 10 hr ago and posted as: "To PeterDonis. Yes. It is my typo. Thank you." Yours and your colleagues' advice is tremendously helpful to refresh for me all this information and make my thoughts in the field of SRT more...
  2. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    Well, I guess, I unsuccessfully used your former line below. "That's correct. Either that, or you count the radiation as part of the system from the beginning, and add its energy in accordingly." ............ In reference to your recent line, "Why do you think it has not been considered? The...
  3. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    To PeterDonis. Yes. It is my typo. Thank you.
  4. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    I am sorry for the misunderstanding. My word "orthodoxy" is a positive sign in a context that your response helps me to refresh the knowledge that I received decades ago. I am quite appreciative for your responses. With my questions and your answers, I am trying to get some additional/advanced...
  5. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    Thanks to everybody for a quick response. Your answers, some of which I expected, are definitely within the SRT orthodoxy. To Dale. There is, perhaps, a typo in your expression m^2c^2=E^2/c^2−p^2 I guess it should be m^2c^4=E^2/c^2−p^2 To sweet springs: Regarding your statement: Mass of...
  6. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    Here I am trying to put one of the former questions somewhat differently. If we all agree that the energy that is transferred to a substance by electromagnetic radiation converted to heat (for example, E = σTs^4, where σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant), then >>>>. Where does the energy...
  7. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    I see some caveats in the closed system as well. 1. If the system is completely closed, then, I guess, it wouldn't be able to absorb the external radiation. 2. If it still somehow absorbed the radiation and its mass increased, then it is not completely closed and thus its temperature will...
  8. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    Thanks, everybody for a quick response. I am getting rusty in general science and am trying to clean up. I am delighted with your confirmation that the mass does not grow with speed. Accordingly, should we consider to be obsolete the statement of Einstein that "...If a body [moving with...
  9. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    Thank you Ibix, PeterDonis, and sweet springs. It was a typo in the series that I presented above. Sure, the term with 1 should be kicked out for KE. I still have some skepticism regarding the mass growing with speed and the energy going infinitely with v approaching c. Do we have any...
  10. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    8 / 0 NEW Hello Ibix, Thank you for the comments. I am certainly aware that using more terms of the series will provide a more precise outcome. I definitely know that the expansion leads to the Newton formula ar v<<c. It is not clear to me how closely the expansion series we use, see below...
  11. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    I don't see that the sums will rise without bound for these series
  12. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    I am sorry. I don't follow your logic. If we agree that the series converges for all abs x<1, how then the sum of a series can grow without limit (as you suggests) when x approaches 1? Once we said that the series converges to a finite sum for all abs x < 1, than to me it means that no...
  13. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    V. Dunaevsky: According to the literature I have, the expression (1-x^2)^-1/2, to which (1-v^2/c^2)^1/2 can be reduced, converges at abs x<1.
  14. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    Thank you very much for your clarifications. Please bear with me. I usually come up with correct results at the end. (There is the famous expression of Churchill that Americans usually do wright things after they did everything wrong:-). However, my main point is still there (regardless which...
  15. Ricardo

    B Questions about the relativistic kinetic energy expressions

    Thank you for the response. Yes, my Eq. 2 meant to be an infinite series. I just missed adding signs of + and... . I would dispute that it is for the total energy. My opinion is based on a) It has been given in some sources as an approximation of the kinetic energy; b) on my superficial...