Recent content by revo74

  1. R

    I The observable Universe and its shape

    If the universe was the size of an atom at one time (a fraction after the Big Bang) and then began to expand rapidly (inflation), but at a finite speed. Then how could the universe possibly be infinite? Something of finite size that expands/grows at a finite speed cannot possible be infinite...
  2. R

    I The observable Universe and its shape

    If the universe is expanding in all directions from one central point then how could the shape of the universe not be spherical?
  3. R

    I The observable Universe and its shape

    Laymen here. 1. From my understanding the universe is like the surface of a balloon. The universe is expanding as a balloon grows when air in being placed inside of it. Just like a surface of a balloon if you go in any direction in a straight line you will come back to the original point. Is...
  4. R

    How much matter goes into making black holes?

    When you say "recover" are you essentially meaning the matter swallowed by black holes. It also appears you're suggesting that when the universe reaches heat-death the black holes in the universe at that time will have swallowed/recovered 99.9999% of the remaining matter remaining from the...
  5. R

    How much matter goes into making black holes?

    Is is true that the percentage of matter in the universe that goes to making black holes is 99.9999% or greater?
  6. R

    How much matter goes into making black holes?

    I recently viewed a video with Richard Carrier, who apparently was using information he derived from Lee Smolin. He said that 99.9999% of the matter in the universe goes to making black holes. Is this true? What percentage of matter does go to the making of black holes, is it even something we...
  7. R

    Entropy of the initital state of the universe

    If we can only see as far back in time as light takes to travel to us then how do we know what happened a split second after the Big Bang? We are told all these things about what happened in the universe during the first few seconds after the universe underwent inflation and so forth, but how do...
  8. R

    Entropy of the initital state of the universe

    I don't know. I am a laymen. Was hoping for some insight regarding my OP.
  9. R

    Entropy of the initital state of the universe

    I saw an old interview with Roger Penrose where at one point he was talking about the degree of organization the universe exhibited at it's initial state. He said the second law of thermodynamics tells us as time passes the universe is becoming more disorderly, which means if we were to go back...
  10. R

    Stargazing ALMA vs James Webb: Which telescope will reveal more about the universe?

    Thanks for the response. Are you aware of any other capabilities James Webb will be able to do that ALMA won't be able to? I read about James Webb and mentioned it to my brother. He said for 8 billion dollars it's a waste of money in light the fact that the Hubble and other optical telescopes...
  11. R

    Stargazing ALMA vs James Webb: Which telescope will reveal more about the universe?

    What are the differences between these telescopes and which telescope will do more for our understanding of the universe? I know that ALMA is a series (66) radio telescopes, however, it also operates with optical telescopes. James Webb is an infrared telescope.
  12. R

    Gravitational pull on an object

    How much does gravitational pull on an object decrease if the distance is increased 10 fold for example? If planet x is stationary and part of a binary star system where star y is 1 AU away from it and star z is 1,000 AU's away, but also has 1,0000 times the mass, which star will exert more...
  13. R

    Percentage of stars that become black holes

    How many stars do we know the solar masses of? In your opinion how many 1 in how many stars becomes black holes? Give me your best estimate if you don't know.
  14. R

    Percentage of stars that become black holes

    What percentage of stars become black holes? I tried to find this information through Google searching and the only thing I could find was a statement that said less that 1 in 1,000 stars in our Milky Way galaxy have enough mAss to become a black hole.
  15. R

    Contruction of living organisms

    The transcription and translation processes incorporates digital information being transferred and read, direction being given and assembly of amino acids into proteins taking place. Can this process be classified as a sort of natural design process?