Recent content by Reuben_Leib

  1. Reuben_Leib

    B A car collides with a bus, who experiences a greater change in momentum?

    I am sorry I can't seem to get the LaTex to work $$\textbf{My question:}$$ A car collides with a fast-moving bus, which vehicle experiences the greater change in momentum? I am seem to get different answers on the internet: Chegg says both the same, quora says car, brainly says car, some...
  2. Reuben_Leib

    I Help with Euler Lagrange equations: neighboring curves of the extremum

    This is the problem I have, I 100% understand this method(also the one from wikipedia), but the one my studyguide gives me I can't understand.
  3. Reuben_Leib

    I Help with Euler Lagrange equations: neighboring curves of the extremum

    Thank you pasmith for your reply, From my understanding I believe that equations(2.18) and (2.21) should hold regardless of the size of ##u##? Maybe I am not understanding taylor series correctly, but I thought that for an example a first order taylor expansion: $$I(u) = I(0) + uI'(0) +...
  4. Reuben_Leib

    I Help with Euler Lagrange equations: neighboring curves of the extremum

    I tried writing this out but I think there is a bug or something as its not always displaying the latex, so sorry for the image. I have gone through various sources and it seems that the reason for u being small varies. Sometimes it is needed because of the taylor expansion, this time (below) is...
  5. Reuben_Leib

    I Why does ##u## need to be small to represent the Taylor expansion

    Necessary condition for a curve to provide a weak extremum. Let ##x(t)## be the extremum curve. Let ##x=x(t,u) = x(t) + u\eta(t)## be the curve with variation in the neighbourhood of ##(\varepsilon,\varepsilon')##. Let $$I(u) = \int^b_aL(t,x(t,u),\dot{x}(t,u))dt = \int^b_aL(t,x(t) +...