Recent content by reni90

  1. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    Ansoft Maxwell, cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity e i have problems with my laptop while making these simulations, so i am thinking to buy a new pc what specifications would you recommend me for maxwell 3d simulations
  2. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    ok that's done now i have this message rev (C:/Users/nino/Desktop/maxwell/rev1/) Maxwell3DDesign1 (Transient) [warning] Terminal surface mesh does not fit with conduction path in the following bodies {Part2_1,Part2}. Please verify them to ensure no bad effect on solutions! (7:30:11 mar...
  3. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    i get this message rev (C:/Users/nino/Desktop/maxwell/rev1/) Maxwell3DDesign1 (Transient) [error] Band mesh failure: 24 of band mesh nodes are shared by both moving and static objects. (5:40:00 mar 16, 2013) [error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local...
  4. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    should i add the windings as current voltage or external, solid or strained
  5. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    this is the file could you take atok at it and if it doesn't take to much of your time modife it so i can look how u done it and just let it simulate?
  6. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    Ansoft Maxwell, cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity e the problem was in the geometry, now i solved it. Ok now i need advises, i want to creat one object rotating, and on stator cores measuring the voltage, how to do that, what simulation type to use?
  7. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    Project2 (C:/Users/nino/Documents/Ansoft/) Maxwell3DDesign1 (Magnetostatic) [error] Acis error: "Error in Importing C:/Users/nino/Desktop/maxwell/rev0/Assem1sa29navoja.SAT" (8:30:47 feb 23, 2013) [error] Import Native Bodies: Translation of...
  8. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    Ok people, i need again your help. So i am modeling this machine in solidworks and i save it as x_b extension so that maxwell can recognise it. My problem is that maxwell recognised the cooper parts as sheets :S I don't know why, so i can't add material to them, and isolation :( here are the...
  9. R

    Building a Linear Motor: A DIY Tutorial

    already tried that but didntf find something actually useful :(
  10. R

    Building a Linear Motor: A DIY Tutorial

    I want to make a linear motor with some friends, just to see can we make it and how it works. Is there any tutorial or some guidance. i was thinking about a induction motor, but am not quite sure how to put the coils on the stator.
  11. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    u can also draw 3d objects in autocad or solidworks, i am drawing my in solidworks and importing that in maxwell
  12. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    ok now i have another problem, Maxwell3DDesign1 (Magnetostatic) [info] Parametric Analysis on ParametricSetup1 has been started. (1:08:33 jun 01, 2012) [info] A variation (kut='0deg') has been requested on machine Local Machine (1:08:33 jun 01, 2012) [error] Could not preserve...
  13. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    when i go to view/edit material i have this options X- component unit vector (a number) Y- component/... etc.. what is that for, some materials doesn't have it but some have and the value is set to 1 or zero. I couldn't find what's that
  14. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    ok i fixed that its rotatin now as its should but the flux is maximum with 25 and 35 degrees :S something bewtewn max and minimum at 0 degree, and higt at 9 degree :S if i delete other phases, just let one phase and rotor then it shows flux as it should maximum at 0 degree min at 90 and...
  15. R

    Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

    the parts are rotating as they should :S what is animate, what does that?