Recent content by RelativeQuanta

  1. R

    Returning to Physics: Tips for Getting Back Into Your Studies

    Hi, I could use some advice on how to get back into physics. I earned my BS in phyiscs in 2004 and I have been away from it for over 2 years now. I have always had the goal of attending graduate school for physics but I realize I have forgotten a lot in the last two years. I have been...
  2. R

    Special Relativity Clock Challenge

    Here's the question from my text: "Alice and Bob are movin in opposite directions around a circular ring of radius R, which is at rest in an inertial frame. Mobh move with constant speeds V as measured in that frame. Each carries a clock, which they synchronize to zero time at a moment when...
  3. R

    Question on Lagrangian and Action

    One other question that's sort of related to the first. In this case, the author talked about a value \delta S[x(t)] . I notice that if I simpily take the first order derivative, I get something that looks exactly the same except for all the little deltas changing to d's. Is there any real...
  4. R

    Question on Lagrangian and Action

    Ah, ok. That makes sense, I just wish the author had made that clear. Thanks
  5. R

    Question on Lagrangian and Action

    I'm reading my textbook and trying to follow the math on how to minimize the action for an arbitrary Lagrangian. The author states that the action is: S[x(t)] = \int^{t_B}_{t_A} dt L( \dot x(t),x(t)) Then the author goes on to talk about finding the extrema for the action by...
  6. R

    Non-Euclidean Geometry question

    I proved it! Though not in the way I thought. Since a spherical triangle is made up of three intersecting great circles you can use the area enclosed by each of the sections of the great circle. (These sections being the area that is closed off by two of the three intersecting circles). It...
  7. R

    Non-Euclidean Geometry question

    I'm sorry if I offended you, but what you are saying is in direct contrast with what my text is saying, either way, it's a moot point. All I want to know is how to prove that the interior angles on a spherical triangle sum to \pi + \frac {A}{a^2} I felt the textbook "Gravity: An...
  8. R

    Non-Euclidean Geometry question

    So, was the author of my text incorrect in claiming that from the the line element dS = [(dx)^2 + (dy)^2]^{1/2} and the definition \theta = \delta C/R you can prove that the sum of interior angles of a triangle in plane space add to 180 degrees? I believe your statement here is...
  9. R

    Non-Euclidean Geometry question

    I'm trying to prove that the interior angles on a spherical triangle sum to \pi + (A)/(a)^2 where A is the area of the triangle and a is the radius of the spherical space. I think I know how to prove it, but there is one part that has me stumped. I'm using the General Relativity book...