Recent content by rczmiller

  1. R

    How to Maximize the Strength of an Electric Magnet

    Thank you for the posts. I guess I am looking for an equation that will tell me that if I want to double the strength of an electric magnet and I am changing the wire gauge, how many wraps to I need in the coil? One other note...I understand that wrapping the wire around an iron rod will...
  2. R

    How to Maximize the Strength of an Electric Magnet

    More info... I originally created an electric magnet using a 12-volt drill battery and a coil with 90 wraps. The second time I used the same battery and used a coil with 500 wraps. My second attempt did not seem to be any stronger - I used a hanging paperclip from 1/2 inch away to measure...
  3. R

    How to Maximize the Strength of an Electric Magnet

    I am interested in building electric magnets. I have tried without success to find equations on what will make a stronger magnet. If I double the number of wraps, will the magnet be twice as stong? If I double the volts, will this make the magnet twice as strong? Does the type/gauge of wire...
  4. R

    Defining Special Relativity & General Relativity

    It's relative Pete, Thanks for your comments. I guess it all depends on where you are standing. If you are on the object (railcar, spaceship, Earth), then as far as the object is concerned it does not matter how fast it is moving, the laws of physics should be consistant as long as the...
  5. R

    Defining Special Relativity & General Relativity

    If they ask about E=MC2, all that equation tells us is that energy and matter are the same thing, of course!
  6. R

    Defining Special Relativity & General Relativity

    An amateur’s contribution For what its worth, this is how I try to explain it to my friends when they mistakenly ask: Special Relativity presents the theory that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating objects. Thus, no matter how fast something is traveling, space/time...
  7. R

    Did Einstein like the term Relativity ?

    Did Einstein like the term "Relativity"? I know that Einstein referred to “Relativity” when he wrote or talked about his theories, but is it true that Einstein was not originally fond of the term “Relativity” to describe his theories by that name? I have found in a couple German publications...
  8. R

    How Do Quartz Crystals Vibrate When Electrified in Watches?

    I am interested in finding out some details concerning vibrations of quartz as it is used in quartz watches. How can I calculate the amount of vibration for a specific size of quartz crystal when an electrical charge is applied? Example: For a 1 cm cubic crystal of quartz, how fast would the...
  9. R

    Resolving the Twin Paradox: A Mathematical Approach

    I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. I am an amateur but I enjoy reading and trying to understand relativity. If anyone is aware of an article that addresses this question, I would appreciate the reference so that I can read up on it. Unfortunately, there are a lot...
  10. R

    Special Relativity and Mass Variation

    My appologies...I originally wrote my last post in MS Word then pasted it into this site. When I did so, my superscript/subscripts were converted to regular text. I will repost below to show my superscripts as c^2 instead of just c2, etc. I will also go thru the suggestions on the last...
  11. R

    Special Relativity and Mass Variation

    Thank you to all who have posted to this! Well I will try to show my work on how I understand it using math, but please be patient with me. It has been almost 20 years since I had a math class. A particle and an object are floating in space with 0 velocity relative to each other. The...
  12. R

    Special Relativity and Mass Variation

    Thank you for the post. I guess I should have stated that I am a novice on the mathematics side of this topic. Awhile ago when I viewed a TV show concerning relativity on the discovery channel. I became interested in this theory so I read the SLAC web page concerning special relativity...
  13. R

    Special Relativity and Mass Variation

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but it is my understanding of Special Relativity that the faster a particle moves the more force it requires to accellorate - laymans terms: becomes more massive. I had a post earlier where I tried to present this in the framework of an "atomic pop gun". I was...
  14. R

    Relativity - facing backwards on a train

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. All of these post have given me a lot to think about.
  15. R

    Relativity - facing backwards on a train

    If the inside observer has to reset the clocks, wouldn't he conclude that he was already traveling is a certain direction prior to his acceloration?