Recent content by rcmps772

  1. R

    What are some strategies I can use to improve academic performance ?

    First and most important of all, the amount of hours you spend studying don't mean much by themselves, the way you spend them is what really matters. If you find yourself distracted, and you've been at it for more than an hour, just take a break of 5 to 15 min. During your breaks splash some...
  2. R

    How can a volume integral yield a vector field?

    Well, makes sense. I'm guessing that it's defined just as easily through Riemann sums.Thank you for the help.
  3. R

    How can a volume integral yield a vector field?

    In the same way that this looks \int (r_x,r_y,r_z) dx'dy'dz' This is essentially the same as what's up there, just removed clutter. I don't understand how this works.
  4. R

    How can a volume integral yield a vector field?

    I understand the idea, but as a mathematical object it looks like nonsense to me. There are no examples in the textbook that use this formula directly. They use symmetry arguments such that only the magnitude of one direction is calculated.
  5. R

    How can a volume integral yield a vector field?

    I'm using the textbook Electricity and Magnetism by Purcell. In the section about continuous charge distributions I found the following formula \mathbf{E}(x,y,z)= \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0 } \int \frac{\rho(x',y',z')\boldsymbol{\hat r} dx'dy'dz'}{r^{2}} . It's stated that (x,y,z) is fixed...