Recent content by Ravioliman

  1. R

    B Can lasers really cause explosions? Let's use a silly hypothetical to find out!

    I'm referring to a hypothetical scenario, assuming you could achieve such level of energy with a laser without having to worry about the medium delivering it. I've already stated this. I know that there are no lasers capable of it in real life. Also, probably should've said this in my previous...
  2. R

    B Can lasers really cause explosions? Let's use a silly hypothetical to find out!

    What I'm trying to figure out now is if it could theoretically induce the type of explosion I'm talking about, but on a larger scale within a single short pulse given it contains enough energy close to the level of anywhere between a Tomahawk cruise missile(2 GJ) to a MOAB(46 GJ)by simply coming...
  3. R

    B Can lasers really cause explosions? Let's use a silly hypothetical to find out!

    Shockwave. A focal point of the discussion on one end is that if it can cause a large scale explosive reaction followed by a shockwave without the target being a form of fuel or other highly-combustible material - then it isn't really a laser, because photons alone can't incite such a reaction...
  4. R

    B Can lasers really cause explosions? Let's use a silly hypothetical to find out!

    The context behind my question is quite silly, but I've encountered some people who believe lasers cannot produce explosions, even at insane levels of energy. Now, I'm not big on physics nor will I pretend I am, I think they could but I came here to get a more knowledgable opinion(using a silly...