Recent content by Ravenlock

  1. R

    Exploring the Oblate Sphereoid of Earth: A Farm Boy's Perspective

    Robust, both Integral and my numbers are correct we just obtained the answers differently. Like Integral said, without knowing what your number means, how can we give you numbers for comparison? I assumed from reading your original post, that you calculated the equatorial radius to be...
  2. R

    Question about Electricity and Water

    I had a question about electricty and being electrocuted. It is well known that if you drop a toaster that is plugged in into a bathtub you are sitting in, you will be electrocuted. My question is, how far reaching is the electrical energy in a body of water? For example, if I am in...
  3. R

    You guys are gonna think im either stupid or crazy

    Here is a actual quote from the US Patent Office regarding PPM's "The views of the Patent Office are in accord with those scientists who have investigated the subject and are to the effect that such devices are physical impossibilities. The position of the Office can only be rebutted by a...
  4. R

    What will hit the ground first?

    The heavier ball would land first on Earth because of air resistance. Although, if you dropped them in a vacuum they would fall at an equal rate and hit the ground at the same time. Ravenlock
  5. R

    You guys are gonna think im either stupid or crazy

    re I just can't take a guy seriously who says he has invented a PMM, yet continually spells patent wrong. Ravenlock
  6. R

    Have you heard of The Flying Circus of Physics?

    Reading this forum made me think about a book I picked up years ago called The Flying Circus of Physics with Answers written by Jearl Walker. It is an excellent book that answers lots of general physics questions that poeple ask. If you never heard of it, look it up, I think many of you will...