Recent content by raoadithya

  1. raoadithya

    Other HEP-Th vs. HEP-Lat for PhD

    Could you please provide references for HEP-Lat addressing questions in Quantum Gravity? Also, could you give me a rough perspective on how my situation would be if I were to go for a PhD in HEP-Lat and then for postdoc, I decide to switch to HEP-Th? Thank you very much for taking your time to...
  2. raoadithya

    Other HEP-Th vs. HEP-Lat for PhD

    Hi, I am a master's student from India (with a CGPA of 9.75/10.0, equivalent to 3.9/4.0) who will be graduating in July, and so I am looking for PhD positions (in Europe). I am torn between selecting hep-th and selecting hep-lat for my PhD research. I have hands on research experience in...