Recent content by Ramses The Pharaoh

  1. R

    Exam Problem: Rounds per minute into Megabits per second

    Hehe... nice point of view! :smile: However, this, being an exam problem, is assumed to be a little bit more complicated than simple arithmetics. :rolleyes: I think it is enough to know the radius, the angular velocity (or frequency) and the time to read one bit (or distance b/n bits)...
  2. R

    Exam Problem: Rounds per minute into Megabits per second

    OK, if the question asks about how many megabits are read in one revolution, you say that "it should be pretty easy". Still, it is very foggy for me :-). Perhaps you could provide a small tip? ;)
  3. R

    Exam Problem: Rounds per minute into Megabits per second

    Hi, guys! :approve: My exam comes in one week, so I need your urgent help :cry: I found out, that one of the problems in the exam will be about convertion between rounds per minute (of a CD or HDD) and megabits per second (as reading speed). I have no idea what is the dependence between...
  4. R

    Calculating Speed, Amplitude, and Distance in a Standing Wave

    I just found out some clues and answers: For (c): if it is vibrating in its fourth harmonic, the length is L=2\lambda=62,8. For (b): The dist. between successive nodes is just half of the wavelength -> 15,7. Does this mean that I answered myself? :biggrin: Where are you, guys?? Anybody home...
  5. R

    Calculating Speed, Amplitude, and Distance in a Standing Wave

    Hi again :biggrin: The first part of my question was stated under "Simple math problem". However, the rest subproblems are no more simple math ones only :rolleyes: I'm given the wave function y(x,t)=4.2\cos(0.2x)\sin(300t). (a) What are the speed and amplitude of the two traveling waves...
  6. R

    Solving Simple Wave Problem: Math and Conversion

    Thank you guys, you really helped me! :smile: It seems that I've got the point now... However, I have one or two more questions about this problem (I've not stated them yet), but I think I will post them in a new thread, because they are not "simple math problems" any more :rolleyes: So for...
  7. R

    Solving Simple Wave Problem: Math and Conversion

    Oh, yeah, sorry for the mistake :-p ... As far as I've understood you correctly, you say that everything is OK now, right? :bugeye:
  8. R

    Solving Simple Wave Problem: Math and Conversion

    Following the advices of you both, I calculated the values for x when the cos is 0: x=\frac{\pi}{0.4} and x=\frac{5\pi}{0.4}, so the distance between two successive knots is 10\pi. This gives me the wavelength \lambda. :-p The period for one full cycle I obtained in the same way, using the sin...
  9. R

    Solving Simple Wave Problem: Math and Conversion

    OK, If I take in mind that wavelength is the distance between successive points of equal amplitude and phase on a wave, and frequency is the number of cycles or events per unit time, I take the given equation y(x,t)=4.2\cos(0.2x)\sin(300t) and I see that it has a double frequency (due to...
  10. R

    Solving Simple Wave Problem: Math and Conversion

    I suppose first principles means straight from the given equation, without transforming it in any way. :shy: However, being new to this field, makes it a little more difficult for me to understand such hints. Probably if you provide a little more specific tips or advices, I will be able to...
  11. R

    Solving Simple Wave Problem: Math and Conversion

    That's right and exactly this confuses me :rolleyes:. But leaving the confusion aside, I obtain from y(x,t)=4.2\cos(0.2t)\sin(300t) the function y(x,t)=2.1(\sin(300t + 0.2t) + \sin(300t - 0.2t)). So if \lambda=\frac{2\pi}{k} and I leave the sign, I get \lambda=10\pi. For...
  12. R

    Solving Simple Wave Problem: Math and Conversion

    The problem is that I don't know how to deal with such separated expressions - one for sin (containing "t") and one for cos (containing "x")... If it is a superposition, then how to separate the two functions?!
  13. R

    Solving Simple Wave Problem: Math and Conversion

    OooooK, but then my problem becomes more difficult :biggrin:. How to extract the wavelength and frequency of such an equation? Any hints? :rolleyes:
  14. R

    Solving Simple Wave Problem: Math and Conversion

    Simple wave problem Hi guys! I'm trying to solve a wave problem for homework and I hope that I can extract all data, once I have my wave function in the form: y(x,t)=A*sin(kx-wt) :biggrin: . The simple problem is to convert the given data: y(x,t)=4.2*cos(0.2x)*sin(300t) into the above form...
  15. R

    Ambuguous description of a problem

    HallsofIvy, I forgot to mention that my teacher even provided a picture with a man, who is standing on that spring and lifts weights :biggrin: ... for those of us, who can't imagine :-p . That creates the imagination of an object with a very big mass! But whatever... I just want to ask if am...