Ralph Rotten

I am a writer from Tucson AZ. I belong to many forums because I find these communal places a great place to learn new things about books I am writing. I am a stickler for accuracy in most of my books, and my unofficial motto is "There will be no Glocks cocked in my books."

I am not a scientist, but I am constantly studying new material. Truthfully, I am a non-fiction junkie. There are bins of technical manuals and encyclopedias and National Geographics in every bathroom in my house. I even read while I pee.

I have found that fact is stranger than fiction, and people are even stranger than fact. Ergo, I find my inspiration in non-fiction. I am here to pick the brains of people who know more than me.
Education in Progress
Not in school
Educational Background
No Background
Degree in
Can pervert be listed as an occupation?
Favorite Area of Science
Why does there have to be only one?

