Recent content by rakailee

  1. rakailee

    Truck with attached inclined plane and a block on the incline

    I understand how to solve it from there, thanks! I should've realized that acc of block must be horizontal as well.
  2. rakailee

    Truck with attached inclined plane and a block on the incline

    I was attempting to draw free body diagrams in response to your question about whether I could draw a force diagram.
  3. rakailee

    Truck with attached inclined plane and a block on the incline

    I tried solving this by assuming the acceleration of the truck and block to be the same so the block would stay on the incline. Also, I would assume truck ma = static friction, block ma = mgsintheta... then I solved for a to plug into 1st equation to get 12990 N. Is this correct? I wasn't sure...
  4. rakailee

    Box on a slanted plank with friction attached to a spring

    Is “point up the slope” the same direction as the reverse spring force? I believe the slippage to be down the slope, so the fictional force would be up the slope, which is the same direction as the spring force. Is this not correct? Edit: homework prompt should b spring, not string
  5. rakailee

    Box on a slanted plank with friction attached to a spring

    I first find the force of friction to be (2)(9.8)cos(65)(.22), then I find the pull of gravity to be (2)(9.8)sin(65). The full equation I set up to be: 0 = kx + force of friction minus the pull of gravity This gives me the wrong answer, 0.44 . My free-body diagram is that kx and force of...