Recent content by RajChakrabrty

  1. R

    Binary Number System Homework: Counting 1s in 162*9+162*7+16*5+3

    Homework Statement Number of 1 in the binary representation of the expression 162*9+162*7+16*5+3 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution obviously, anyone can add these numbers up and then convert to binary but what is the actual procedure for this type of format?
  2. R

    No problem, glad I could help!

    thank you very much. I got a pretty good answer there.
  3. R

    No problem, glad I could help!

    sorry, I could not get anything there related to Zener diode. my fault.
  4. R

    No problem, glad I could help!

    ** the only answer I suspect that zener diode breakdown voltage(value) should be shown (according to specification). but pn junction breakdown voltage will obviously be much higher. *** hope for better answer.
  5. R

    Solve Simple MOSFET Question | Homework Equations & Tips

    if the voltage across 19 ohm resistor(lower one) is greater than 2 v, then the mosfet will have gate voltage more than threshold voltage(i.e. 2 v). then, the conduction channel will be created or can be said induced in that nMOS. then the current will start to flow from drain to source, and the...
  6. R

    Help with Capacitors: Short Circuits & Connecting Terminals

    TsAme, I am considering,the 1st picture you have attached. one has rightly said that short circuit area is the red part only,so concentrate on remaining part. But, there is another confusion ,anyone could have mentioned, that switch is not closed. if switch will remain open then...
  7. R

    How Does Wavelength Affect Light Penetration in Photodetectors?

    having sine and cosine graph concept and period ... why light having more wavelength penetrates more? like why infrared is used for shorter distance than bluetooth? because of shorter wavelength of infrared. but, why short wavelength light is unable to penetrate more? this is my question, you...
  8. R

    No problem, glad I could help!

    what are the differences between Zener diode and pn junction diode characteristics CURVE?** the breakdown process is easier in terms of breakdown voltage for zener diode. as, it is highly doped.
  9. R

    How Does Wavelength Affect Light Penetration in Photodetectors?

    so, what can be realized by wavelength, from this thought? what is the difference for longer wavelength?
  10. R

    Simple logic diagram-with switch and resistor

    yes. that's right. whenever that type of ckt you will see you think like a o/p network is attached with it. this type of ckt is made for this purpose you think, that without any network or resister at o/p , how can you measure the voltage. even if you measyre with a voltmeter or...
  11. R

    How Can You Increase the Static Current Gain of a BJT?

    this answer is really more practical and right than mine.
  12. R

    Boosting Speed: Unleashing the Power of CMOS over PMOS and NMOS Structures

    yes, I am sorry. CMOS is used for less power dissipation. but, how p and nMOS both manage to reduce power dissipation? what is the logic behind it?
  13. R

    Simple logic diagram-with switch and resistor

    leave voltage diving rules and others. very simply, if upper resistor (called Pull up resistor)-----is present while lower (called Pull down) resister is not present, that means that total amount of current coming from power supply V+, will pass through the o/p node. thus, o/p node gets...