Recent content by Radion

  1. R

    Reversible work of compression

    Homework Statement Air enters a compressor at 100 [Kpa] and 10 [c], the air leave the compressor at 12[Mpa] the isentropic efficiency η is 87%, calculate: work done reversible work irreversibility Homework Equations [/B] T2=T1(P2/P1)(1.4-1)/1.4 W = (Cp(T2-T1))/η Wrev=Δh - T0Δs Δs =...
  2. R

    Wall heating - through water pipes

    Hello, Me and my buddys doing aproject on Heat transfer. we choose wall heating as our subject and we have some issue on modeling the system. our system is : two walls, one exposed to the atmosphere the other is the house wall. between them there's a pipe with hot water and some aire. we...