Recent content by radagast

  1. radagast

    Can psychics really see the past/future?

    Can you provide a source of documentation for this?
  2. radagast

    Moon Landing: What Flag & Part Was Used?

    I agree, but conspiracy theorists have to be able to prove "to themselves" that the conspiracy didn't happen. The idea that everyone on the planet with the right radio, at the time, was in on the conspiracy isn't too absurd for some. One simple thing I saw, that would have been very hard to...
  3. radagast

    Science is used just for profit?

    So would doctors, dentists, health clubs, et. al. The idea that all disease would disappear if researchers were unfettered is absurd. High temp fusion researchers are unfettered, and I don't see my electric company running a fusion reactor. You seem to imply that because they would go bust...
  4. radagast

    Science is used just for profit?

    Syphillus, Gonnorea, plague, anthrax, many forms of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, and Tubercullosis (in fact virtually all bacterial infections) are just a few of the things drugs can cure. There are many drugs that are designed to treat symptoms - high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc...
  5. radagast

    There is no life after death (and no hell)

    Invalid logic train. You imply that a brain, lungs, heart, etc are necessary for life. I've never seen one tree with any of those, yet many of them I've seen are alive by most definitions. You can always redefine life to exclude the afterlife, but it's poor debating technique to use it to try...
  6. radagast

    Providing people an opportunity to eat unhealthy food

    Actually, I wouldn't call McDonalds food unhealthy. Only the patterns in which we, in the west, tend to consume it as unhealthy. While I wouldn't go out of my way to put alcohol into the hands of a alcoholic, but at the same time, I wouldn't put myself into the position of making personal...
  7. radagast

    Discovering the Unknown: Exploring Life on Alien Worlds

    Dooga, Many of the people around here, who call themselves atheists, would fall into your definition of agnostic. Many definitions of atheism simply involve a lack of belief (i.e. disbelief) in a god or gods - nothing more. It is common usage that contains the idea that atheists all "believe"...
  8. radagast

    There is no life after death (and no hell)

    Jim, You seem to have gone extremely far out of your way to demonstrate your belief that God is infinite, not graspable by the human mind and not testable or disprovable. Given many of the other more well thought out definitions I've heard about him (i.e. the more typical JudeoChristian god)...
  9. radagast

    Discovering the Unknown: Exploring Life on Alien Worlds

    Without some idea of their history, conditions, enviromental motivations, etc. I doubt there is any way to make even the slightest guess. One good hypothetical example of alien evolution (vs alien philosophies and goals) was presented in Dragon's Egg and Starquake (By Robert Forward) where the...
  10. radagast

    Is UFOlogy a Scientific Endeavor or Pseudoscience?

    Perhaps that was poor wording on my part. Stating something is unexplained is preferable to trying to fit it into a mundane explanation that is not better warranted by the facts. Unexplained, i.e. a UFO, doesn't imply a craft of extraterrestrial origin. If, on the other hand, a few thousand...
  11. radagast

    Is UFOlogy a Scientific Endeavor or Pseudoscience?

    While I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say that the sightings need to be completely unexplainable in mundane terms, only that the unexplained fits the observations better than any mundane explanation. Recently I saw a UFO show, in which one of the presented videos showed a film shot in Salt...
  12. radagast

    Blood Transfusions: Good or Bad?

    I feel competent to comment on the published article. I am a registered Medical Technologist that's worked in the Blood Banking department at a few hospitals. While some of what is said was accurate, for the period of 1988, they seriously skew things. Doctors go well out of the way to avoid...
  13. radagast

    HOMEbuilt H-Bombs? Fact or Fiction?

    Regarding the suitcase bomb, based on a simple U235 "gun" design: While the U235 has a fairly long HL, these bombs required a trigger - a source of neutrons to trigger the chain reaction cascade. This is usually provided by a small about of Tritium *. Tritium's HL is fairly short, and...
  14. radagast

    There is no life after death (and no hell)

    Canute, Yes, you have made the point before about myself, despite the prospect that I hope to be ordained within a year. I get the feeling you believe you have a corner on all Buddhist concepts, and those that disagree with you are not True Buddhists. Or was that Scotsman... Your beliefs...
  15. radagast

    There is no life after death (and no hell)

    Depends on the Buddhists. Some don't believe in anything after death. [Buddhism w/o Beliefs - Stephen Batchelor]