Recent content by RAD4921

  1. R

    Is the momentum of a massive particle traveling at the speed of light zero?

    I know this isn't a deep discussion and the thread will be short but this question has been bothering me for a while and I hope the moderators won't terminate it. Are photons the only massless particles that travel at the speed of light? Diagrams of the standard model do not reveal the...
  2. R

    Does Randomness Exist? Evolution & Implicate Order

    I originally posted this and I am sorry but I can no longer participate in forum discussion efficiently becasue of my decreasing vision. I suffer from macular degeneration and it is robbing me of my central vision. I am now using a magnifyer but it is getting to difficult to participate in...
  3. R

    ICAL THEORY: Global Warming & Its Impact

    I did a little research on the intenet and it didn't take me long to find that you are correct and my theory has major flaws in it. Basicall it is ignorance of global chemistry. So much for me saving the world. Thanks RAD
  4. R

    ICAL THEORY: Global Warming & Its Impact

    Global warming theory It is being observed that the earth’s atmosphere is warming up and it is speculated that carbon emissions are the cause. Since the atmosphere is getting warmer it will contain more moisture due to additional evaporation and warmer air holds more moisture than cold air...
  5. R

    World's Most Expensive Coffee: Kopi Luwak from Indonesian Palm Civet

    The World's Most Expensive Coffee is From Beans Cycled Through an Indonesian Monkey's Digestive System-Truth! Summary of eRumor: Kopi Luwak is a rare and gourmet coffee from Indonesia that is made from beans passed through the digestive system of monkeys. The Truth...
  6. R

    Do all massless particles travel at the speed of light?

    I know photons have no mass but are there other particles that have no mass and if so can they travel at the speed of light? Thanks RAD
  7. R

    Gravitational Waves & Unification: Einstein's Remark?

    It seem that if gravitational waves travel at C, that this is a hint that there is unification between gravity and electromagnetism. Didn't Einstein once remark about this? Thanks RAD
  8. R

    Does Randomness Exist? Evolution & Implicate Order

    Its called philosophy
  9. R

    Does Randomness Exist? Evolution & Implicate Order

    If randomness is just a lack of information then you are agreeing with Bohm. Later on you state that to some degree that determinsim is limited . I think determinism either is 100% or does not exist at all. There is no in-between ground with determinism
  10. R

    Does Randomness Exist? Evolution & Implicate Order

    We don't know for sure whether the future already exist or not. Paul Davies seems to think so. I am not quite sure about this but if the future is already there then determinism does exist. The problem I have with determinism and cause and effect is first cause. It is an infinite regression.
  11. R

    Does Randomness Exist? Evolution & Implicate Order

    I see what you are saying. Thanks for your reply. I thought for certain I would immediatly receive a reply with concerns of the uncertainty principle and determinism. Bohm believes in determinism and I believe in at least some free will of conscious beings. How much randomness in the universe...
  12. R

    Does Randomness Exist? Evolution & Implicate Order

    Evolution states that organisms evolve due to random mutations. I question as to whether there is such a thing as randomness. It could be that what appears as randomness to the limited human mind could very well be a extremely complex ordered state that just appears as chaos to us humans who at...
  13. R

    Is the Universe Alive? The Fascinating Theory of an Evolving Cosmos

    The biblical fact This is one of those rare circumstances where I agree with the bible in that man was created from dust. The Earth is the ash (stardust) flung out from a super nova explosion. Whether we or anything else for that matter was created from nothing can be debated since there...
  14. R

    Is the Universe Alive? The Fascinating Theory of an Evolving Cosmos

    The living universe It is an observable fact that the universe is alive and thinking, at least in part. Some may call it a leap of faith but this is strongly suggestive, at least to me, that the universe is alive and thinking as a whole. I am not a religious man but it appears to my...
  15. R

    Is the Universe Alive? The Fascinating Theory of an Evolving Cosmos

    The following is part of an article from New Scienstist Magazine where a physicist contemplates whether the universe is alive. I think it goes without saying that the universe is alive. YOU ARE MADE UP OF THE UNIVERSE AND YOU ARE ALIVE. To think otherwise would be to deny one's own existence...